Author: Alan Yuhas
Published on: 27/03/2025 | 00:00:00
AI Summary:
Egyptian and American archaeologists have unearthed the huge tomb of an unknown pharaoh at an Egyptian necropolis. The tomb, which the researchers estimate is 3,600 years old, nearly 23 feet underground at Abydos, one of the oldest cities of ancient Egypt. It is the second discovery of a king’s tomb this year. Similarities between the newly unearthed tomb and the one discovered in 2014 have led the archaeologists to conclude that the as-yet-unknown pharaoh may have been an earlier member of the so-called Abydos dynasty. In the newly discovered tomb, painted scenes on plastered brickwork decorated the entrance to the limestone burial chamber, showing the goddess Isis and her sister Nephthys. But there were no identifiable skeletal remains at the a professor of archaeology at the University of Chicago called the excavation “highly significant” and said it would add to what little is known about “a fascinating period when Egypt was controlled by competing powers” The era was “politically enigmatic,” she said, defined by economic instability and warring kingdoms. It appeared to be “a phase of warrior pharaohs fighting it out” Archaeologists uncovered what may be the oldest existing example in the ancient Roman world of a mikvah. They have tentatively dated the structure to the late fourth or early fifth century. People in what we today call Honduras made avocados a part of their diets at least 10,000 years ago.
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Is the Pharaoh Joe?