There are a few opinions floating around on either or not downvotes should be disabled.

I’m interested to see what everyone thinks and if there’s a majority consensus one way or the other.

So please reply in this thread with your preference and why. You can also debate it in the comments.

Edit 23-03-2024 - Thanks everyone for your feedback. It looks like opinions are split on this, with good arguments made on either side. As downvotes aren’t currently a big issue, we’ll leave them as they are and we can revisit this again in future if things change.

  • AliceMA
    1 year ago

    Huh… ok

    Like look, if lemmy was actually filled with sensible people, then I’d say please leave the ability to downvote. I personally like being able to have down votes,

    But yea were not dealing with those types here. They can’t take a joke, are offended easily, want to have constant political fights and make EVERYTHING political, they’re incredibly toxic and down vote everything and anything that isn’t supportive of leftist political agendas.

    Especially if content is coming from a politically UNBIASED (us) instance or any instance identifying as conservative in any form.

    In those people’s warped minds, anything that is opposite of leftist is nazisiam. It’s over the top, delusional and very telling of their deteriorating mental state.

    Because of this, it is my opinion, that disabling down votes, is the way we need to go.

    It sucks. But they are not logical or level headed.

    They’ll down vote absolutely everything we post because yes they are that immature and petty.

    And I just do not feel that they should be allowed the option, to behave that retardedly towards us.

    It’s important to recognize what we actually can control, and I think taking that away from them is the right thing to do.

    They’ve got not issue forcing ppl to play by their rules, so I have no issues forcing them to play by ours