Wait, how is this discouraging? The only way to beat these games is to get better at them. Git gud is just a tongue in cheek shorthand to say keep practicing and you’ll get good enough to beat the boss/game. Which is true.
Stop losing gives the same message. It’s true, but isn’t useful. Gut gud is the same dumb energy. The problem is the person who doesn’t understand the joke and ruins it for the rest of us. Blame stupid people for not having nice things.
If someone can’t handle “git gud” as a critique you think they’re going to take “keep practicing and memorize the boss attack patterns and timings” well? I’m gonna press F to doubt.
I honestly think Bloodborne has one of the most encouraging fan bases in gaming.
I agree! My time on the subreddit was awesome. Got a lot of helpful infos throughout my journey. Not even touching upon the numerous guides that were put out (Arti’s BL4 guide comes to mind)