Within physical bounds of course. Neurotypical people don’t notice a lot around them, because their brain filters grey noise out. And yes, it’s sometimes overwhelming.
I’ve only recently realized just how much roads ruin things for me, it becomes absolutely impossible for me to hold a conversation anywhere near a running car.
I could walk next to a highway with a neurotypical person and they just… don’t fucking notice? it’s so incredibly strange how they can just tune absolutely anything out and merrily ignore them while i’m unable to hear my own thoughts
Oh yeah? I just made a bird sound. Which bird did imitate?
Holy shit, it’s legit
Within physical bounds of course. Neurotypical people don’t notice a lot around them, because their brain filters grey noise out. And yes, it’s sometimes overwhelming.
I’ve only recently realized just how much roads ruin things for me, it becomes absolutely impossible for me to hold a conversation anywhere near a running car.
I could walk next to a highway with a neurotypical person and they just… don’t fucking notice? it’s so incredibly strange how they can just tune absolutely anything out and merrily ignore them while i’m unable to hear my own thoughts
The fact you missed that I was being sarcastic does corroborate your diagnosis 🙃
Sarcasm and internet does not mix well.
We need a “sarcasm” emoj!