Wholesome until they get the $300 bill for it.
Ok? I’m not a doctor, I have no idea what I’m looking at. So what was wrong with the dino?
No bones! Dino ain’t got no bones dagnabit!
All dinosaurs contracted a rare case of Boneitis.
Their only regret.
No internal organs either! Looks like they were all scooped out, as if this dino was being prepared for mummification.
There’s also a clear fracture line in the chest. My guess is that’s where the chest pain was coming from.
This is all very suspect. What if it’s fake?
After all, there are fake doctors, so why not fake patients too? There’s also fake medicine, so all of it should work out perfectly.
Next you’ll try telling me there’s fake plastic trees. With fake plastic watering cans.
Yes. It’s fakeception all the way.
Wolfmans got nards!
It appears to have misplaced its bones.
Someone stole them! Pretty sure I know who did it, I saw them in a museum
Clinical Depression, a feeling of emptiness inside.
You see that little crack in the chest? Dun broke a rib.
When my dog was only about 1 year old, she stepped on a glass shard and cut up her paw. She needed stitches, so we went to the vet, and brought her favorite stuffed toy, which was a dog too.
The vet sewed her paw up, and bandaged the whole lower leg. And then proceeded to bandage up the stuffed dog too, so our dog would feel included.
Thanks for that, much appreciated smile.
That’ll be $3999.95 please. Plus tip.
… and here’s your slightly irradiated kids toy back.