I can’t decide whether this is a horribly depressing sign of the times that people need to pay off 1 nights dinner over 4 weeks, or if this is some stupid executive person thinking this is what people want when they say they can’t afford to get food delivery
Por qué no los dos, I guess. But seriously, what the actual fuck
“Eat now, …” is terribly depressing. It sounds like you’re trading financial autonomy in exchange for another basic human right.
That is exactly what this is.
A friend of mine got offered a credit card, we all told him was a trash idea but he accepted anyway of course.
Being the bucket of good choices he is, at the time he’d lost his license for drink driving. So he used the card to get taxis 10+km to and from McDonalds drivethrus… also buying the driver food.
This, among other dumb as fuck purchases, ran the card dry pretty quickly. You’d think having to pay it off would teach something of a lesson, but no - bam, aunty wipes the debt.
He would definitely use this service. Over and over.
More likely its a way for doordash to be advertised via afterpay. I’d say it’s less can’t afford it, more why not spread the cost. Non different to using a credit card was considered odd at one point.
I don’t use afterpay as I think its a bad product but if I had cash flow issues I would. Its free credit.
Promo collab with Baycorp
Neither. It’s a great executive who understands how stupid people are and is going to make more money.
Financialization is creating a world that would make Byzantium blush