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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • How do I defederate from posts complaining about lemmy.ml admins being tankies? Hasn’t the instance required manual signup approval for the whole last year? Complaints about it being a flagship instance and the resulting bad look for the platform are total non-sequitur. The problem is absolutely, totally, without caveat, solved by lemmy’s blocking functionality. If you don’t like that they created popular communities, tough titties. At the core of the issue is that these complaints are pushing a decentralized platform to conform to their worldview. That just isn’t how it works.


  • I completely disagree. A dev conceding to release in early access = a dev committing to later release a finished product which the early accessor will also receive a license to play. Without the latter part, early access becomes a moot system in principle, just a pathway provided by platforms to monetise unfinished games, which may never be finished.

    And the value proposition for that finished product shouldn’t be affected at all by its pre-launch state. Early access isn’t for the benefit of consumers. That many games remain in “early access” for an extended period of time (such that sufficient gameplay value can be extracted prior to actual launch) isn’t really anything to do with the concept of early access itself. It certainly shouldn’t negate your right as a consumer to say “this isn’t fit for purpose” once the final product arrives in your hands. After all if it’s not fit for purpose during the early access period, that isn’t necessarily representative of whether it will be post-launch.

  • gila@lemm.eetoCasual Conversation @lemm.ee*Permanently Deleted*
    3 months ago

    It’s not easy to say, but acting based on the hope of an inheritance probably isn’t worth it. Unless you had specific information about it of course. Retirement is expensive and they’re probably currently living off the funds. If they have it saved away, but haven’t chosen to give you money while they live, despite struggling with a mortgage that houses their grandkids, they either dont have it or don’t want you to have it.

  • “Dear” to someone you aren’t familiar with has a slightly different purpose I think, it communicates that you’re seeking the recipient’s mutual participation in a social group by engaging with your communication. You acknowledge their position of being ‘dear’ to general society to positively reinforce their participation in it, specifically with regard to your letter.

    These days it’s fairly trivial to contact pretty much anyone about any matter. Being more connected we are continuously engaged, so it sounds funny/out of place to use in an everyday context. You could use it sarcastically to imply that the recipient is careless or doesn’t like you (they need encouragement to engage in communication generally/personally with you).

    But it would still be appropriate in a context where the recipient is hard to contact, like a public or official person with whom communication is sought after