Ever since I graduated, everywhere I’ve worked has been 8-5. My current company is going to soon start expecting us to be in 7-5.

How many of you here work a 9-5 with a paid lunch?

Productivity keeps going up but so do working hours.

  • Donebrach@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Work in excess of 40 hrs per week is generally guaranteed overtime pay so that so called company you supposedly work for is really doing itself dirty if its requiring its employees to put in such hours.

    I’m more inclined to assume you’re just a troll doing some soft propaganda so not really interested in any further conversation—but if you’re a real person and you really do work for a company that’s just gonna start requiring working over 40 hrs a week id suggest reporting the company to your state’s department of labor and finding a new place to work.