I used to think that age equated to percentage of life lived, thus I thought that most people live to close around 100.
But it also made me think that people only get old when they’re like 80.

I mean like actually “old”. The “old” adults were referring to. At that age I considered those 14/15 year old 9th graders old, just a bit different “old”.

  • Allonzee@lemmy.world
    25 days ago

    As a child, I came to consider 40 to be basically dead and pointless, a withered husk clinging to life and a sense of relevance like the flagpole of a sinking ship.

    As someone about to hit that mark, I still haven’t seen any new information that changes my opinion on that.

    Our cognitive ability peaks around our late 20s. We humans love to delude ourselves about our mortality with comforting thoughts like “well my experience makes up for it, herp derp,” but that’s just something to help us sleep at night as we degrade at an ever accelerating rate.