• notgold@aussie.zone
      3 months ago

      Excellent news for a lot of those immigrants too. People do move here willingly for a better life too. Yeah rich people are getting richer but those immigrants and their families (which I am) have a better life too. Not trying to push on you but something can be a win for all.

      • Perhaps you aren’t aware that we have a housing crisis in Australia.

        Record low rental vacancies. Housing is too expensive and scarce for people on median incomes.

        The people we import typically have enough money to displace those who don’t. Those who don’t end up homeless. Our politicians don’t give a fuck as many own multiple investment properties.

        • notgold@aussie.zone
          3 months ago

          Many people that come to Australia have money; Many do not.

          Free movement of people and immigration is a pillar of Australian life.

          For those who’ve across the seas We’ve boundless plains to share

          Unless your from a first peoples background, you owe your lifestyle and wealth to immigration. A little hardship for the greater good is something we should all except.

            • notgold@aussie.zone
              3 months ago

              You mean the Syrian families living in tents in 50 degree weather? Or the starving Palestinian families with children in tents? Or the latino families whose tents don’t protect them from drug war gunfire? Or the Rohingya families in tents without medicine? Or the Sudanese families escaping ethnic cleansing?

              Living in a tent isn’t really good for anyone but there is a vast difference between living in a tent but still getting healthcare and education versus living in a tent fearful of death. Families living in a tent in Australia is sad but it it’s normally a temporary situation measured in months. For some of these refugees, living in a tent will be many years. Many years for children without the chance to go to school, get proper nourishment or just be a child.