How might we balance our humanitarian obligations with national security concerns in this complex and vital matter?

    3 months ago

    Dear sir or madam or other,

    Whilst the bourgeoisie among us chatter and prattle about in opposition to the common worker hailing from abroad, it is my firm belief that the ebb of our fellow humans from those distant lands behooves us in a greater fashion than even that of the aforementioned bourgeoisie calling this land theirs. I say let these downtrodden souls put down roots in our fertile fields, with nary a thought to our bodily security.

    Whom amongst us can recall a singular event involving these fellow humans that caused a concern? Whomst amongst us felt a fear when laying eyes upon these strangers and had those fears realized? Nay, we have little to fear, and more to trust. The shadow of terror is so rapidly vanquished by the light of knowledge. As such, we must learn ourselves these strangers and make them not so strange anymore!

    I employ ye earnest readers, with facts and figures we must dispel the rumors of malintent by these fellow workers of differing nations. And with kindness, we shall gain the wisdom that we can unite against true evils that lure us into false thoughts. Like the bourgeoisie lol

    • AliceOPMA
      3 months ago

      Oh, dear compatriot, I must express my utmost incredulity at your assertion that these foreign interlopers pose no threat to our great nation. Pray tell, good sir or madam, have you taken leave of your senses? Do you not realize that these scoundrels will stop at naught to pilfer our riches, our industries, and - heaven forfend!

      I shall not be swayed by such folderol! Mark my words, these foreigners shall be the downfall of our once-great empire!

        3 months ago

        Verily, dost thou jest? Recall, my good compatriot, that this nation was founded upon such interlopers. Our wealth and industries have long been seized by the powerful miscreants of this country, while our foreign brethren toil in vain to make a life greater than they once had. We must unite together under the banner of labor to empower the common man.