For the record I am a chick and i do not have fake tits

No offense to dudes here either bc yes they’re allowed a preference.

But it’s just been the majority opinion amongst guys I’ve asked this to, that fake boobs are unattractive and real ones are much sexier.

Did you catch that?

They’ve said they are unattractive.

To me, that just feels like an exaggerated kind of shitty out of touch response. Especially being that most guys watch pornography where most of the women have fake tits. I’ll even go out on a limb here and say MOST women who do porn, HAVE FAKE TITS.

So how the fuck can you say that?

The argument is that they look fake and feel fake. Ok, I can understand that point of view. But listen, it’s 2024 I know cosmetic surgery has advanced to limit that. Especially if you get a great doctor. Are there any women here who have fake boobs that have been indistinguishable for a guy to tell the difference?

For me, it’s about the aesthetic. Fake boobs (not basketball ones) just look nicer. Simetrical, they make your body look sexier even and your clothes look nicer and your arms look smaller. More arousing in my opinion.

I would prefer to have bigger fake boobs then my current natural ones for those reasons. My current boobs are nice yea, but I just want them bigger. A cup size or two.

Anyway this post isn’t about me and my boobs. I just don’t get that viewpoint on it. I feel like it’s contradictory.


I’ve even heard a few say that women with fake ones are jealous of women with big real ones, bc even they know most men prefer real over fake and that is why they’re jealous.

Overall the whole thing is fucking stupid. Tits are tits even if they’re fake. I don’t get the hate.

    8 months ago

    I mean, a guy can say they are unattractive when asked about it. Wile it does get into the whole objectifying a person based on one’s preference, just remember that the reason people have these built in valuations is probably instinctual as a means to ensure healthy child rearing. This bleeds over into how one sees them self as a result of others evaluation. So fake tits, or steroids, or saline injections, or what have you may be about fulfilling the desires of the person getting them, but it’s not completely divorced from the judgement of others

    All that aside. I find fake tits distracting and a bit unnerving. Something just screams wrong from somewhere deep in my mind. It’s to the point that i have to stop, and move on to something else.