I’ve been the main moderator of the same community since 2016. This evening, i approved my last comment.

I’m leaving for two reasons:

  1. Reddit went public a week ago. I didn’t volunteer to work for a publicly traded company, i volunteered to work for a community. As long as i live under capitalism i accept that my labor will generate value for shareholders, but damned if i ever do it for free. (this is not a Faulkner quote)

  2. April 1st is coming and i’m scared they might do another r/place. Doing in r/place 2022 and 2023 has left me dejected and bitter and i don’t want to feel obligated to participate again.

Leaving felt like ripping myself off of something warm i’ve been comfortably glued to for a long time. Still recommend it for anyone still giving Reddit shareholders free labor

EDIT: there are too many comments to respond to, but i’ve appreciated all of them! Thank you

  • woop_woop@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    This is silly to me. So you’re happy working for free at a private company, but not a public one? The fact that them going public was known for a while was fine? The lack of care they showed you as a private company while taking the shitty concrete steps to go public were all fine?

    If yu want to take a hard look at your role, when the last revolt during the API changes happened, the revolt failed because mods like you wouldn’t stand up. So it’s funny to me to see what the “final straw” is for you, because in the grand scheme of things, it seems like nothing.

    I certainly don’t understand why you would move to another place in the Internet and announce this silly view.

    • MataVatnik@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      No need to be an asshole about it, the important thing is that he moved on, the path he took is not relevant.

      • woop_woop@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        I didn’t think I was being an asshole. The questions I asked were genuine, and I think I was pretty neutral with pointing out how OP shares blame in the situation they are in.

        And, through all that, i summed it up with how silly this whole situation is - especially when you look at how OP is responding in the thread. This comes across as a “look at me, I did something good, tell me how nice I am” post. Given the rest of the situations context, just ugh.