Note: It’s for drug possession, not anything super bad.

13 years ago, my now former best friend tried to first con me out of money and then did it to my mom instead because my daughter had just been born (which he knew) and money was tight. I always knew he had addiction issues, but I never thought he would actually stoop that low.

Today, my wife showed me that there was a public database where you could search Indiana court cases, so out of curiosity, I typed in his name.

21 court cases, mostly drug, vehicle and fraud offenses in the county where we grew up, went to college in, and which he eventually moved back to, stretching back to 1999! Note he didn’t even live there for 10 years!

He’s currently in prison until December because he was found in possession of methamphetamine. And it was not his first time in prison or the first time he had meth on him. He did drugs when we were in college, but the most serious one was cocaine and that was very occasional. I knew he had a drinking problem, and even that he was abusing prescription medication (he offered me Vicodin when I was visiting him in San Francisco and had a headache) but I had no idea he sunk as low as meth.

This was a guy who wanted to compose classical music when I met him in middle school. He was very intellectual and well-read even then. He eventually went to Indiana University, which has one of the world’s top music schools, for composition. He always was very full of life and cheer and how far he has fallen! I knew he’d sunk really low back when he conned me, but this was the first friend I ever made in middle school in the eighth grade after going through all of seventh grade with no friends and we could and did talk about anything for hours, so I kept him in my life for as long as I could.

After college, he got way into restaurants and cooking and was working at some really high-end places, so when he contacted me and told me he wanted to do a pop-up restaurant as a way of starting a full business and needed $400, I gave him the benefit of the doubt. We mostly talked to each other online at that point, so he gave me a pretty false picture of his life.

I’m honestly not sad about the end of the friendship anymore. I cut him completely out of my life 13 years ago and I do not miss him at this point. Would it have been nice to sit together on a porch in the nursing home in 40 years and spend hours talking about Kafka? Sure. But I’m not losing any sleep over it. In fact, when she told me about the database, it was the first time I had thought about him in ages, but he was the only person I thought of and I had to look.

So I’m not sad about it. I shouldn’t even be surprised about it. But it’s so weird knowing my former closest friend is spending a year in prison.

Have you ever found out anything like this about an old friend you lost touch with?

    7 months ago

    A guy I went to school with as a kid ended up going to prison for abducting a woman at gun point from the mall. After reading what happened to a few other kids, my curiosity is gone. I dont want to know.

    7 months ago

    Honestly meth is so common in the gay community that I’m never shocked or surprised by hearing this type of thing about old friends of mine. It’s very difficult to avoid the stuff and have a sex life where I live. Doable but all of the hook-up apps are landmines.

    As a result, I only go on Facebook occasionally to scroll through and see if anyone I care about died recently of an accidental overdose or something.

    They post less about the going to prison part, so I don’t hear that as often, but I know a lot of people, including close friends, who have spent time in prison and have gotten sober then turned their lives around.

    Even though he’s a former friend, I hope your guy does, too.

    • Flying Squid@lemmy.worldOP
      7 months ago

      He is gay, but I don’t think that has anything to do with why he’s doing meth. I think he just found his rock bottom drug. He had tried everything else to fill that hole he could never fill and ended up a meth-head. This is Indiana, which has a huge meth problem, so it wouldn’t be hard for him to get.

      It’s tragic, and I’m sorry he ended up that way, but I have run out of my ability to sympathize at this point. I wish that wasn’t true because I don’t like that about myself, but I’m just beyond caring about his self-destruction.

      One of the old friends I talked to about this today said this isn’t the first time he’s been in prison. I’m not going to say he isn’t worth redemption, because everyone deserves a decent life, but I do think he is so beyond help that he’s just not going to get it. He’ll get out again and go right back to drugs and forgery and whatever else until he kills himself doing it.

      He’s 47. Honestly, if I hear that he’s dead by 50, I will not be surprised. Again, it would be tragic, but just not surprising at this point.

    7 months ago

    Man, so many of my friends, who were high-functioning illectuals nerds like me, ended up is really terrible situations: bad marriages, drug addiction, suicide attempts, and they never grew out of the ideation of a teenage mindset OR they became really bitter victims of their own prison. Now they are in their 50s, and nothing’s changed. For the few friends I managed to keep all this time they ended up “doing okay” or better, I am grateful. Hell, a lot of my punk and goth friends did better on average than my science fiction nerd friends.

    • Flying Squid@lemmy.worldOP
      7 months ago

      I know so many really smart people who peaked in high school and are now in similar situations. Although most of my punk and goth friends didn’t do all that well in their lives either. Maybe we all gut stuck in a Gen X rut by trying and failing not to disappoint our parents for not being as successful as they were.

    7 months ago

    Yup, I’ve written about it here before.

    One of my old druggie friends (I’m a stoner, always have been, and have stayed away from the dangerous stuff) apparently sold some stuff tainted with fentanyl and a girl overdosed.

    He’s in jail for murder. Not his first time in, he’s proud of his time behind bars, and will likely go full Aryan Nation this time.

    Most of our friends have written him off. I play d&d with them a couple times a week.

    Another one went to jail for stealing from Walmart repeatedly. Kept telling me he’d never get caught, and when he did, he had meth in his pocket.

    He got out, got clean, and was staying in a halfway house nearby. I gave him some yard work to do for cash. He ripped me off, stole some cash.

    He returned it when I called him on it, and he’s still doing well and sober, but he’s been cut off as well.

    I hope he keeps his shit together. He’s got kids out there that need him. (The other one, in for murder, doesn’t, at least not that I know of.)

    7 months ago

    I haven’t, but there’s a guy I knew in middle school who was my best friend. He ended up transferring to another school and we grew apart.

    I think about him probably once a month.

    I’ve tried looking him up on socials but he doesn’t have much of an online presence. That said, what I was able to find was pretty sketchy and like he was falling into the wrong crowd as he aged.

    I still have affection for him, but sometimes I worry that if I met him again it wouldn’t be a good experience.

    Sorry about your friend and his choices, bud.

    • Flying Squid@lemmy.worldOP
      7 months ago

      Like I said, I’m over it and have been for a long time. Honestly, I’m kind of glad he’s in prison even if I hate the drug war. Feels like a little bit of karma.

      I’ve had bad luck with best friends though. My elementary school best friend died when he was in his 20s- however, he was autistic with symptoms severe enough that he could probably have never lived on his own, so in that sense, I’m glad his parents outlived him, and he died after a very short illness, so he wasn’t in a lot of pain. Now I do miss him. He was always happy and smiling. He was obviously bullied in high school like any weird kid would be, but surprisingly little because it’s pretty hard to bully a guy who’s happy all the time.

      I am the king of shitty luck though, so this actually feels good for a change.

      Edit: I would love to see his mugshots, but that’s not in public records. So instead, I’m spreading gossip amongst my friend group.

    • Flying Squid@lemmy.worldOP
      7 months ago

      Oh, sorry, that was totally rude of me. I forgot to say that I hope you find your friend soon. Apologies.

    7 months ago

    Found out a year or two ago that a kid I was kind of friends with was convicted of a murder about three years ago. He and two others killed a guy, chopped up his body, and dumped it in a lake.

    Small consolation, the only reason they know about the murder is because the guy I knew had a guilty conscience and made a full confession to the police out of the blue one day. Yes, drugs were very much involved.

  • Call me Lenny/
    7 months ago

    I have two very close friends. One would routinely end up arrested, the other one would routinely be in the hospital. It was never a surprise it would happen, the surprise usually came in the variety of things that would happen to them (though none of the crimes were malicious, they were all related to “governmental apathy”, such as not keeping the IRS up to date or unauthorized feeding of wildlife). Having mapped out possible arrests, he once told me something that has always given me thought, “there is no personality type you can be unrestrictively without stepping on some law somewhere”.

    • Flying Squid@lemmy.worldOP
      7 months ago

      I don’t think he’s wrong about that necessarily, but I also think that there are smart ways to break the law and stupid ways to break the law. Even with illegal substances. I’ve used weed since I was in high school in the 90s. It hasn’t been legal in most of the places I’ve lived in that time. That hasn’t stopped me from using it, I’m just not stupid about it. I transport it when I buy it in an airtight container and I only use it in my office in my garage which has a lock on the door in the extremely unlikely chance of a cop coming over.

    7 months ago

    Not sure how similar this is but the guy that bullied me in secondary school for 5 years is now a professional boxer and as I’m from a small country his name and picture comes up on the news sometimes. The first time I saw an article about him it made me feel miserable as it brought back how he made me feel miserable like I hated going to school because of him. Now I have blocks set up so I never get a recommendation for articles involving him.

    • Flying Squid@lemmy.worldOP
      7 months ago

      That really sucks. I’m really sorry to hear that. I have a feeling one of the guys who bullied me for a long time is really successful at this point, but I don’t even want to know, so I totally understand. I couldn’t deal with having to learn about how successful he is, especially at doing something violent, after being bullied.

    7 months ago

    I found out my best friend of 20 years turned into a lesbian. Explained a lot of her behavior towards me in retrospect. I had cut ties with her because she turned into a bitch and I was done with the abuse.

    I used find myself really wanting to get in touch with her again because she was like a sister, but I finally realized that I missed the person she was when we grew up and that she was a different person now. That person I was best friends with is long gone.

    7 months ago

    I found out my best friend of 20 years turned into a lesbian. Explained a lot of her behavior towards me in retrospect. I had cut ties with her because she turned into a bitch and I was done with the abuse.

    I used find myself really wanting to get in touch with her again because she was like a sister, but I finally realized that I missed the person she was when we grew up and that she was a different person now. That person I was best friends with is long gone.