• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023


  • Yes and no. Yes, life is, well, life. There’s not really some magical other that will make life something different.

    But no, that’s not guaranteed to be it for you, because things change all the time! There’s all sorts of experiences you haven’t yet experienced, good and bad, and tons you never will!

    When I was about to turn 30 I was in a stable seeming relationship with a guy who I thought I was going to build a family with. Just before that he became a completely different person suddenly, cheated, and started dating someone else.

    It devastated me, and sent me on a course in my 30s that made it my most complicated and varied decade of life. But I am now 41, the most successful I’ve ever been, in a relationship with a much lovelier man than before, and while I am experiencing some midlife crisis now, I still have options and time to pursue them.

    I hope your 30s are much more calm than mine were, but either way, there’s other things you will experience as you keep on living.

  • The biggest offenders for me are Harry Potter fans.

    The movies are better for what they left out or changed.

    They especially improved the entire franchise when they cut the “slaves love being slaves” plot.

    I think nostalgia clouds people’s judgment a lot. I didn’t grow up with the books, and didn’t read them until after all the movies came out. I was fully expecting what all the fans told me would be a much more coherent, and fleshed out story.

    But that’s just not there in the books.

    Before this experience I was one of those “the books are always better” people, and this shocked me out of it.

    I am grateful I didn’t ruin the movies by reading the books first and becoming one of those people who think that Dumbledore yelling in one scene is a fundamental abandonment of cannon worthy of ridicule.

    I enjoyed the books for what they are, decent children’s books and young adult novels, which were mostly faithfully adapted into some great films.

    Then ruined by the transphobic nightmare of a TERF who wrote them.

  • Having a support contract has nothing to do with being a customer. If the devs didn’t want customers, they shouldn’t have released their product to the public. It really just seems like they can’t handle the stress of writing code AND managing their customers’ needs.

    Tough love is never the correct way to deal with people, and never the way to manage a product.

    In some of the threads I’ve seen the devs have said that they could be making more money if they went to a big tech corp while also exhibiting behaviors that would NEVER fly at any of the big tech companies.

    Learning projects are great! Releasing them isn’t necessarily the best way to go about things, though.

    Don’t get me wrong, I don’t envy the lemmy devs for the position they’ve put themselves in. It is incredibly stressful to juggle what they’re trying to juggle, and PR is not usually the strongest skill an engineer has.

    I hear you on the context of choosing Rust. It’s not really that relevant to what I’m saying, but I have seen people complain about Rust as the language preventing them from contributing. Having more contributor’s wasn’t their goal, it was to build something in Rust to begin with.

    My point was that Sublinks’ goal IS to invite contributors, so Java is a smart choice.

  • Beehaw was acting like a customer, which they kind of were and sort of weren’t at the same time. Customers act entitled, but they didn’t seem to be any worse than most. Lemmy’s devs are right in that they don’t owe them anything, really, but the way they voiced that was bad PR, IMO.

    It sucks having to care about message when all you want to do is make something you like, so I get it, buy I don’t think it looked great from the outside.

    I don’t think choosing Rust was inherently a bad move. I think it makes sense that if you are going to try to make a competing platform to NOT choose Rust, and instead pick something that a lot of people can contribute to.

    But yeah, complaining about their initial choice doesn’t make sense, and neither does the “why don’t they just learn Rust” sentiment given the context of all this other stuff.

  • I like lemmy but also I’ve been following the drama from the sidelines, so I think the focus on Rust vs Java has nothing to do with the choice to create a lemmy alternative.

    The reason sublinks exists is that the lemmy devs have made some large technical and PR mistakes that have led to multiple larger instance admins losing faith in them.

    There was the Beehaw debacle where nutomic told the Beehaw admins that they should go to a different platform and take their “entitled” “demands” with them. It’s not surprising to see various alternatives to lemmy springing up as a result of the devs telling people to do so.

    There was the illegal content spam incident which required instance admins to interact directly with the image database in complex ways for each image to remove the content from their servers, and I believe lemmy.world disabled submitting images if you are using a VPN or the tor network as a result. The lemmy devs have made some bafflingly derisive comments about that incident.

    And then there’s the recent update that has broken federation of bigger instances, which is an ongoing issue. Communities are having to move instances to help with this bug which should have been caught in testing the update.

    So sublinks seems to be some folks deciding that they can do it better.

    Choosing Java is one way that they think they can do better. The argument goes, significantly more people know Java than Rust. Lemmy has had some problem getting extra help as a result of this limit, so hopefully sublinks will have a much larger pool of talented devs who will step up and submit code.

    Sublinks isn’t the only one, too. Piefed is the python Lemmy alternative that’s cropped up recently and I believe there are some others in other languages.

    Whether any of them can do it better remains to be seen, but it does seem like the Rust fans are struggling to understand that language choice isn’t always the most important part of a project.