My experience on this platform has been mixed so far but one thing I’ve noticed the most is a significant contingent of the user base is really reactionary in their discourse.

This is a very typical exchange I have here :

User: I don’t like this color because it’s red.

Me: I don’t know, looks more like purple to me. What about red is bad?

User: Why don’t you fuck yourself in the face you fucking cuntfuck!

Me: OK…

Like, what gives? I don’t have this experience on other platforms. I have arguments but never this shutdown meccanism.

    2 months ago

    I would say the majority of mine have been fine and even some i thought might go off the rails had a nice back and forth where I even learned a bit. I mean I have encountered reactionary and mean stuff but does not seem super often to me. kbin meltdown sorta messed up my account thoush so I have not really got my feed going in mbin.