If you are interested in sharing book recommendations with other, or just manage your books, then bookwyrm is great for that! The .world team also has a bookwyrm instance up and running at bookwyrm.world with a community here on lemmy as well at !bookwyrm@lemmy.world. Read Ruuds original post about it here: https://lemmy.world/post/5904792
If you want to join another bookwyrm instance, then head over to joinbookwyrm.com.
Anyway, it’s a great place to find books, share books, and find people with similar interests in books! If there is anything that you feel needs to be improved or changed on the bookwyrm.world instance, then contact me!
EDIT - Mastodon account for the instance: @bookwyrmworld@mastodon.world
I really wish it was MediaWyrm. I want something where I can share, rate, and track books, movies, tv shows, podcasts, etc
Lol yeah. Would be nice. But I’ll bet ya we’ll make an instance for it whenever it gets made :P
Maybe would be easy to fork it
Yes please. This sounds great. What’s the difference between a bookworm instance and a Lemmy instance?
Bookwyrm is specifically made for booksharing and book reviewing. While lemmy is more general. For instance, this is a link to the “a game of thrones book” https://bookwyrm.world/book/8138/s/a-game-of-thrones. Here you have reviews of the book. You can also add that book to your “to read” list aswell.
This is really nice and a cute logo i just wish it was more than books. Af least manga but all media (shows, movies like letterboxd) would be great
Is there an official app for this platform?
That would be nice.
I think there is one on f-drpid. But using the website as is works great on mobile aswell.