He owns a yacht. I’d be interested to hear of a single yacht owner who is a decent person. I’m not sure one exists.
Edit: Thanks for the cool examples of decent people with yachts!
Nestlé has been patenting human milk proteins for decades. To my understanding, this prevents other companies to add such molecules to baby formula, even if somehow methods to synthesize said molecules were developed.
That is a scary notion, a malevolous intent and a gross outcome.
These shouldn’t hold up. Wouldn’t the prior work of thousands of generations of mothers invalidate such a patent.
“Excuse me madam but do you have a license to use those tits? No? Didn’t think so. The content of those bazongas is Nestle property. I’m afraid I’m going to have to clamp those nipples until such time as the proper Bandonkadonk subscriptions are paid”