Combined assets of $14.2tn are more than the GDP of every country except China and the US
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Combined assets of $14.2tn are more than the GDP of every country except China and the US
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She just says nice things? That’s it? I’m completely ignorant on celebrities or pop music. I find that WP has a page on the “Political impact of Taylor Swift”
It sounds she is no different from a corporation putting a rainbow flag to their logo for pride month. I mean, it’s something. One shouldn’t be too cynical. But it’s also kinda normal.
She’s donated quite a lot:
Now to be completely honest, with all her insane wealth, the amount she gives is proportionally very very little. But at least she does something, I guess?
Not that I’m defending the multi-billionaire.
saying “not that I’m defending a billionaire” while defending a billion doesn’t make you not defend them. she didn’t just donate very very little. she donates almost nothing of her wealth every time regardless of whether it’s a single person or the whole cause. she donates enough to make the news and no more.
Yup, that’s pretty much it, that’s how low the bar is for other billionaires. That’s all it takes to make her “the best of a very bad bunch”