Why did UI’s turn from practical to form over function?

E.g. Office 2003 vs Microsoft 365

Office 2003

It’s easy to remember where everything is with a toolbar and menu bar, which allows access to any option in one click and hold move.

Microsoft 365

Seriously? Big ribbon and massive padding wasting space, as well as the ribbon being clunky to use.

Why did this happen?

  • NutinButNet
    5 months ago

    It seems easier to find things for users. Probably part of dumbing things down.

    My mom went through this last week with Libre Office. She said she couldn’t find anything because the ribbons from Word weren’t there. I found the option and enabled it and she said that was much better.

    Whereas, I use Word 365 on a daily basis but I still know where things are from the classic menus.

    But users want big pictures and less words, less menus.

    So UI designers have done that.

    You see that in the change between Windows 7 and Windows 8 in heavy ways. More buttons and less menus.

    I fucking hate the dumbing down, especially on servers.