I started noticing people hating fat people on social media and disguise it as just science.

It’s like they would point at certain person and mock him for his fatness and when someone point out their behavior, they just say something along the lines of he is fat which means he is not going to live for so long if he went on like this, so I am just pointing facts for him

Poeple should show the science of being fat and point out the bad effects of it has on body, but they should not show the science on a living human to mock him, the purpose should be education for the the uneducated not mocking with the shield of science.

I almost had never seen people mocking smokers for example or even people who are addicted to drugs, while it’s normalized to mock fat people, despite the fact that it will make them more vulnerable to weight loss products that is either harmful to the body or scamming them of their money.

  • HRDS_654@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    I generally live by the adage that everyone makes their own personal choices for their own reasons so I try not to make fun of people for their choices, or in a few cases genetics. I especially try to avoid making fun of people for something they actually have no choice in such as genetics. I’m a bald man, but when I was a kid I used to make fun of my dad for being bald until he sat me down and explained to me how horrible it was to make fun of a person’s genetic situation. In general the rule I try to keep myself to is that I won’t joke about it unless the person in question would joke about it as well.