I’m re-watching The Magicians with my wife, since she’s never seen it. It’s been long enough since I watched it last that I don’t remember a lot of things that happened, so there’s a lot of “I forgot got that!” moments for me, which is fun.

  • doctordevice@lemm.ee
    7 months ago

    Going through The Expanse again. Such a good show that unfortunately got soured towards the end by a bad egg in the cast. But I’m enjoying it regardless, the work everyone else put into that show deserves praise. They found such a good balance point on the hard vs. soft sci-fi spectrum. Just enough realism and scientific accuracy to make the setting feel authentic without getting in the way of the story.

    And Dominique Tipper as Naomi effortlessly code switching as she interacts with Inners and Belters is astounding. Not just her, all the Belter actors do such a great job with their dialects, but because of her screen time and back story it’s a lot more varied for her.

      • doctordevice@lemm.ee
        7 months ago

        Cas Anvar, one of the main cast. Between the filming and release of the 5th season a massive wave of sexual harassment and assault allegations came out about him. He was dropped from the show for the final season in response to an investigation of the claims.