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So to offer a reason “why” specifically for me it was because I have been hanging out with some game devs lately and they f****** hate steam, like it is the vein of their existence, so they showed me this one site and they were like this is the best one in our opinion, of course it’s a little biased but I can see where they’re coming from
Edit: chill out y’all I’m just relaying what I was told, I use steam too, but it also does have a huge grasp on the market and that makes it unfavorable for devs
So to offer a reason “why” specifically for me it was because I have been hanging out with some game devs lately and they f****** hate steam, like it is the vein of their existence, so they showed me this one site and they were like this is the best one in our opinion, of course it’s a little biased but I can see where they’re coming from
Edit: chill out y’all I’m just relaying what I was told, I use steam too, but it also does have a huge grasp on the market and that makes it unfavorable for devs