Adding the fluoride was always kind of a bandaid fix on the absolutely atrocious American diet that tends to lead to such bad dental outcomes… but of course that also isn’t going to improve with Mr. Brainworm running HHS.
Let’s put fluoride in the big macs
Teef? What is this, WAAAAGHstreet Bets?
This is a screenshot from the Morning Brew newsletter. They’re honestly pretty great, love these stock hot takes.
I fear my screenshot is not that great :/
Ah, now I get why you liked the post ;) Thanks for updating!
You get fluoride in water? Wtf
I’m buying stock in iron lung manufacturing when RFK bans vaccines and polio comes back. Also investing in chain link fence for all the concentration camps, and tiny coffins for the nonviable fetuses forced to be delivered.
Investors are better educated than the government. That’s a nice one.
I am exhausted by a constant deluge of this.
Obviously Evil Person is doing Obvious Evil! Half of America supports him
I don’t want to know anymore. I just want to turn it all off.
Same. Honestly, i step away from platforms like lemmy and the like often cause its most of what i see even with filters. Camping is pretty nice too