• chilicheeselies@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    When i was in ny early 20s, i was a Ron Paul guy. When I was in my early 30s, I was a Bernie guy.

    So what changed, and what was the same? In my 20s, I didnt have a fundamental understanding of how money really works. Ron Paul was big on the gold standard, which makes sense kn the surface. Crypto is similar where it makes sense on the surface; finite supply means no inflation and no value loss. I somehow also reasoned that not having the gold standard was the cause of inequality, but I honeslty cant understand why, and i cant remember either.

    In my 30s, I understood how they money system works mich better. Why we left the gold standard, and how it was holding back progress. I understood how our money is actually backed by muscle, and therefore the national debt doesnt really matter all that much until the day comes when the dollar has no value, because the US is defunct.

    Im sure I have much more to learn as I am in my early 40s now.

    The point I am trying to make, is that your son probably lacks understanding and wisdom, and is currently easily swayed by surface level logic.

    Thisbis really in addition to the other great stuff people have said in here