Morning, until 4 months ago I used to train at least three times a week. Running (9 km) and HITT. I’m 50, and I began to feel a lack of motivation toward both running and training. Then I’ve injured my shoulder, there’s an hole on my tendon, thus I should use the elastic fitness band, but I don’t. I became ~~flaccid ~~and I don’t like my body, I’m still skinny, but I’ve lost all my muscles, I have to start from zero again (sore muscles, lactic acidosis and all that). And here comes the reason why I am posting here. I need a sponosr or someone who gives me some motivation and advice to begain all over again. Right now I feel sadly at ease (depressed but I don’t kind of care, but I care at the same time, difficult to explain) with my body loosing shape, strength and agility. I also note that in the last month I’ve catched on of the most virulent bronchitis ever; I tend to think this is one of the fallout of my interrupting physical activity.
Does someone want to help and old man with advice and motivation?
(I’m Italian, thus forgive me English)

    4 months ago

    I am 66 years old, lost 52 pounds 2 years ago and I have kept if off through healthy eating, exercise ( Rucking and Weight-Lifting ) and a good mental attitude. I did this just prior to retirement but I think anyone at any age can follow my approach and be successful. I feel better than I have in 30 years and each day I get up and sometimes have to push myself to Ruck or to Weight Lift because I know how good I will feel after I am done or how bad I will feel if I don’t work out. I remember being 268 pounds 2 years ago and how bad I felt. I couldn’t walk up my stairs without breathing heavily. Now I walk these same stairs with a 35 pound weight vest 10 times for a total of 130 steps and though tiring afterwards when I take off the vest I feel like I can fly. I created a website in the hope of helping and motivating others - You can see my story at - - Using the menu selections and the links visitors can view “Healthy Eating” posts, “Rucking” posts, “Weight-Lifting” posts and posts related to how I am thriving in retirement. I hope this information helps you, motivates you and you find the content interesting and funny. You can also email me at if you have any questions. I had double pneumonia 10 years ago and it wiped me out so take your time and get healthy first before you start working out again. I push myself at 66 so once your healthy again you will get motivated again at 50 to get back into shape. I wish you luck on your journey. Please keep me updated on your progress