Then you’re clearly not deep enough into the world of array programming languages. See, K is a programming language that takes many design cues from J, which is in turn based on APL. It’s known primarily for that and for KDB, the database engine written in it.
I legit use a J interpreter instead of a calculator on my phone. I wrote fizzbuzz a few times - it was hard for me in J, but I’ve done it. K is real but I can’t even write fizzbuzz in it.
Then you’re clearly not deep enough into the world of array programming languages. See, K is a programming language that takes many design cues from J, which is in turn based on APL. It’s known primarily for that and for KDB, the database engine written in it.
The brilliance of this is it could be real or bullshit and no one can tell.
I legit use a J interpreter instead of a calculator on my phone. I wrote fizzbuzz a few times - it was hard for me in J, but I’ve done it. K is real but I can’t even write fizzbuzz in it.