You can’t manufacture a gun for somebody else unless you’re a registered gun manufacturer. You can only make one for yourself. You can hypothetically sell/give a printed gun to someone if when you made it you didn’t intend on selling or distributing it, however many states require you to transfer that firearm via a dealer.
You would have to give/loan your cancer patient a 3d printer and maybe suggest a URL. They would have to construct the firearm themselves without help.
Eh. Aligning your organization with a patron politician or police organization is how you get away with murder.
The Italian and Jewish Mafias of the 1960s were paramilitary wings of the anti-Communist movement. Once Communism was officially squashed in the 90s, they got rolled up quick.
You can’t manufacture a gun for somebody else unless you’re a registered gun manufacturer. You can only make one for yourself. You can hypothetically sell/give a printed gun to someone if when you made it you didn’t intend on selling or distributing it, however many states require you to transfer that firearm via a dealer.
You would have to give/loan your cancer patient a 3d printer and maybe suggest a URL. They would have to construct the firearm themselves without help.
you can’t murder people in the streets without having a badge.
yet …
You worry about the legality of printing a gun when you want to give it to someone to use for murder?
There’s an old saying, “Never commit a misdemeanor in the middle of your felony.”
Commit one crime at a time. Trying to break this is what has gotten many big fish.
Remember, they picked up Capone on tax evasion.
Indeed, don’t be the dumbass who gets caught trying to hide a body because you got pulled over for speeding.
Organized crime worries about legal issues all the time, and their whole purpose is crime.
Limiting liability, and plausible deniability, is a cornerstone of literally getting away with murder.
Eh. Aligning your organization with a patron politician or police organization is how you get away with murder.
The Italian and Jewish Mafias of the 1960s were paramilitary wings of the anti-Communist movement. Once Communism was officially squashed in the 90s, they got rolled up quick.
What about pieces of a gun?
What if five people printed five different parts and traded them?
What if the pieces have multiple purposes, only one of which is part of the assembly of a gun?