Forcing a bunch of neural weights into the public domain doesn’t make the data they were trained on also public domain, in fact it doesn’t even reveal what they were trained on.
How easy are we talking about here? Also, making the model public domain doesn’t mean making the output public domain. The output of an LLM should still abide by copyright laws, as they should be.
Forcing a bunch of neural weights into the public domain doesn’t make the data they were trained on also public domain, in fact it doesn’t even reveal what they were trained on.
LOL no. The weights encode the training data and it’s trivially easy to make AI generators spit out bits of their training data.
No, training data.
How easy are we talking about here? Also, making the model public domain doesn’t mean making the output public domain. The output of an LLM should still abide by copyright laws, as they should be.