They’re gunna Sous vide in that thing.
Sous why not?
that was meant to say fetish not aesthetic
If they fart where does it go?
I can’t imagine feeling your own fart bubble rolling around on your back side feels very sexy… or even pleasant in anyway… But who am I to judge that I guess?
Depends on what you’re wearing. If there’s a crotch zipper that’s where the fart will usually go because those things often aren’t gas tight. Otherwise the fart will bubble up until it finds an opening.
Latex clothing has a lot of not-quite-sexy sides to it. For instance, they tend to be rather sweaty and that sweat has to go somewhere. Prepare for wet feet.
Still into wearing it.
Huh, the more you know!
Not something I’m keen to experience, but to each their own. Hope everyone stays hydrated!
When they breathe, were does it go?
Damn it BP, clean up your oil spill! Look what you’ve done to the wildlife!
They would be swimming in their own sweat soon
The skin of evil.
I wear it
That looks quite hot
The black latex in the sun, that is. Probably heats up very quickly
Delicious, love wearing latex.
BRB gonna swim to Alex Jones interview real quick
I think their handle was @permaid on IG