so this happened to me yesterday, i was hanging out with a few of my relatives and we were doing a lot of stuff and we were having fun but i realized that when my relatives talk to each other they talk like proper adults because well, they are, like, they can swear and stuff, but when i talk to them they are like “yea buddy sure!!” or talk to me like as if i was some sort of young person, and even my friends do that same thing, all of them!!! it feels like i’m not part of anyone’s conversation which sucks but well it’s fine!!!

    2 months ago

    Stop being a furry. Stop saying “swearing” and “like”. Stop the extra exclamation.

      2 months ago

      Stop being a furry.

      Furries keep the Internet running. Anger them at your own peril.

        2 months ago

        It’s true. All the hamster furries run in big wheels to keep the tube pressure up and the packets flowing.

      2 months ago

      Plenty of mature adults are furries and are treated as adults. This is not helpful advice.

    • adrianhooves@lemmy.todayOP
      2 months ago

      i will not stop being a furry, i deeply apologize. i shall stop or at least try to stop saying the word “like”. i am grateful and i appreciate it

        2 months ago

        Not that I’ve looked up your post history as well as the way you type. Everything just screams “14 y.o. girl.” There’s a lot of personality, a lot of bubbliness, everything’s "hyper. " It’s just not something you’d expect of an adult.

        Adults are usually more reserved and “battle-worn.” I’d also look at the wardrobe, especially if you’re of smaller stature. Additionally, being an adult is often about taking responsibility. Sucking it up and doing the right thing, so to say. Look at how you’ve behaved in the past in difficult situations, how you’ve handled conflicts. Have you ever taken a proactive role in finding a resolution? This may also be your clue.

        • adrianhooves@lemmy.todayOP
          2 months ago

          everything just screams “14 y.o girl” first of all i would like to tell you that i am, in fact, a 21 year old person who well, honestly i do like to type that way because 1. it makes me feel more human and definitely more connected to people and 2. it totally fosters a sense of honesty and makes me look more like a real person which, i am!!! and 3. everything’s hyper?? well i’m sorry, but what would you expect from a person that is heavily involved in cool stuff like linux and programming and ui/ux design?? everything’s gotta have some sense of coolness or radness, which i am always trying my best to give.

          adults are usually more reserved and “battle-worn” i apologize for this but i won that battle a long time ago and even if i lose to life itself then i will still get up with that same energy and that’s something most people should learn about and apply to their daily lives, i really enjoy doing this and i hope everyone in the world learns how to be that truthfully. thank you.

          i’d also look at the wardrobe, especially if you’re of smaller stature i am 5’10, i may have the height of a 16 year old but i am in no way a 16 year old, i’m sorry. oh and my wardrobe?? it’s full of fruit of the loom t shirts of various colors and a lot of comfy cotton pants and well that’s it.

          additionally, being an adult is often about taking responsibility. Sucking it up and doing the right thing oh… well, i deeply apologize if i have not been doing that, but i have been doing that, i accept that i have, i’ve sucked up my pride and i have done and said the right thing, i don’t want to sound like i’m bragging because honestly there’s nothing to brag about here, but i promise you that i’ve done that and i will keep doing that. thank you so much for the advice

            2 months ago

            And here’s your other issue…

            Nothing of what I said was meant as an offense. Yet you took it to hearts. That is not a response one would normally expect. It’s almost as if I’m reading a script from a teenage drama show where a character has an unresolved inner conflict. Doesn’t mean I’m correct, just some food for thought.

            Your question was “why people act like I’m a kid?” I only shared my observations of why that could be the case. That doesn’t mean you need to change anything. Not if you yourself are ok with it.

            Also, I was well aware you’re 21 at the moment of writing the comment. Yet again, I’m merely answering your question, I really don’t mean anything beyond what is written. I’m not judging, no nothing, everything I write should be read in as neutral tone as possible.

            The rest was me speculating. Those aren’t the questions you should be answering to me, only to yourself. After all, a random stranger on the internet can only do so much, you’re the only one who can answer your own question. Best I can do is point you in a direction to dig further, which those were meant for. It’s all about retrospective.