• The Stoned Hacker@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    First ex would threaten to kill herself everyday if I didn’t bend over backwards for her.

    Also shit that my parents did but they were young and dumb trying to raise a kid and our relationship is actually very solid now

      • The Stoned Hacker@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        no??? don’t make assumptions on someone’s mental health just based off of random tidbits of information online. my ex had a lot of problems that iirc she was diagnosed with, but that wasn’t one of them. it’s incredibly harmful and damaging to make wild assumptions like that, both for the people in question and people actually affected by the illnesses you’re talking about. my ex was crazy but we were also teenagers and we both had a lot of trauma in our youths. I’ve also dated people with diagnosed BPD and it was nowhere even near the same level of craziness as my first ex. don’t just go saying someone is bipolar off random shit, that’s harmful to the person in question and the people who genuinely have BPD.