Seriously though, the same could be said of any group seeking to exploit any other group. X group targets Y group because Y group has things that benefit X without X having to work as hard. You could just as easily say that there are a subset of men who target young Christian women to be groomed because it’s easier to control them and get away with it. The woman gets abuse and the man gets a bangmaid.
Billionaires target desperate immigrants, for example, undercutting pay for locals and immigrants in the process. It’s exploitation now matter how you slice it, and numerous groups of humans do it all the time, not just “a subset of women.”
So arguing about any “subset” of a larger group is literally fucking pointless. A subset of humans looks for loopholes and things to exploit, is a better way to say it without it being weirdly gendered.
To any extent yes but the way the military does benefits is the reason for this common exploit. Saying it happens elsewhere does not stop how common it is in the military which is why these memes exist. They even give warnings and classes on it to new recruits. Its extremely common in the military.
The others I mentioned are pretty fucking common too, and they don’t have a system of governance that protects them and warns them that such things are a possibility. Sounds to me like if soldiers are being warned that means when it happens it amounts to them just being fucking stupid.
Yeah, it’s actually legit fucking insane. I’ve been deployed 3 times, and the amount of infidelity I witnessed from both spouses, every time, was…something to behold. The first time I went I naively thought people were blowing the rate out of proportion before I got there but it was like…so many people.
Like I get that military life is difficult, most people get married hella young so the partners can stay together, and then deployments happen. Deployments happen right after one spouse uproots their entire lives to move halfway across the world with no support system. It still sucks to see because once it all comes out, it tears families apart every time.
It’s funny because it makes fun of “Wholesome” stories which were prominent at some point (Still are on FB). Even if it was all about his girlfriend cheating, it’s still simply using the soldier as the butt of the joke with no deeper meaning.
The only thing wrong with this meme is how old it is (IMO).
Haha that’s funny cause women are untrustworthy sluts! Haha get it? Get it?
Nah its funny because “idiot going to a pointless war thinking his gf or wife can live a happy life for 3 years while worrying and having no intimacy”
On the off chance anyone is taking this seriously, that’s not really how deployments work in any western military.
Also “your wife is banging hippies and black people while you risk your life in this pointless war” is literally Vietnam era propaganda.
Get some new material at least.
If you think talking about reality is “propaganda” then i have very bad news for you buddy.
Honestly, I agree with you about the pointlessness of most wars.
It’s weaponizing misogyny to make that point that is deeply icky.
It was wrong then and it’s wrong now.
I’m not sure you known what propaganda is if you think propaganda needs to always be false
Does this make it wrong?
Some are, especially many of the wives and girlfriends of military servicemen.
This is the issue. Women in general are not but there is a subset of women who target service men. Those women are the reason these memes exist.
The infamous dependapotamus !
Seriously though, the same could be said of any group seeking to exploit any other group. X group targets Y group because Y group has things that benefit X without X having to work as hard. You could just as easily say that there are a subset of men who target young Christian women to be groomed because it’s easier to control them and get away with it. The woman gets abuse and the man gets a bangmaid.
Billionaires target desperate immigrants, for example, undercutting pay for locals and immigrants in the process. It’s exploitation now matter how you slice it, and numerous groups of humans do it all the time, not just “a subset of women.”
So arguing about any “subset” of a larger group is literally fucking pointless. A subset of humans looks for loopholes and things to exploit, is a better way to say it without it being weirdly gendered.
To any extent yes but the way the military does benefits is the reason for this common exploit. Saying it happens elsewhere does not stop how common it is in the military which is why these memes exist. They even give warnings and classes on it to new recruits. Its extremely common in the military.
They actually teach you about Jody in basic? I knew it was a running joke, but didn’t realise it was official.
The others I mentioned are pretty fucking common too, and they don’t have a system of governance that protects them and warns them that such things are a possibility. Sounds to me like if soldiers are being warned that means when it happens it amounts to them just being fucking stupid.
And with that we are done discussing the topic. Hope you enjoy the rest of your day.
If you marry a barracks rat, don’t be surprised if she hooks up with Jody while you’re downrange.
Its funny because they were both fucking everything that moved during the deployment. Actually pretty common.
Yeah, it’s actually legit fucking insane. I’ve been deployed 3 times, and the amount of infidelity I witnessed from both spouses, every time, was…something to behold. The first time I went I naively thought people were blowing the rate out of proportion before I got there but it was like…so many people.
Like I get that military life is difficult, most people get married hella young so the partners can stay together, and then deployments happen. Deployments happen right after one spouse uproots their entire lives to move halfway across the world with no support system. It still sucks to see because once it all comes out, it tears families apart every time.
Ofk not! All humans are untrustworthy sluts.👍
It’s funny because it makes fun of “Wholesome” stories which were prominent at some point (Still are on FB). Even if it was all about his girlfriend cheating, it’s still simply using the soldier as the butt of the joke with no deeper meaning.
The only thing wrong with this meme is how old it is (IMO).
This is basically the progenitor of all those AI generated Shrimp Jesus posts that Facebook has now.
Controversy for the algorithm god, slop for the engagement throne!