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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023

  • I am pretty sure that anyone who is advocating to not vote Biden because of his support of Israel is either:

    A - A GOP troll and shouldn’t be trusted in general B - Someone who feels like they’re protected because they currently live in a blue state and so a lack of access will never affect them/their loved ones.

    I’m a lady in Texas (not birthing age anymore @ 35 bitchessssss!) but shit is not good here for women who are birthing age/able to carry a child.

    If Trump (or any Republican) is elected, the blue states won’t be safe anymore either. The people suffering will be YOUR sisters, wives, mothers, cousins, aunts, etc. There won’t be crossing state lines for care, even if you could technically “afford it”.

    Focus on protecting half the country first. Prioritize your shit. No one is going to be a 100% perfect candidate.

    And before anyone comes for me, yes, I fucking hate Netanyahu and think he needs to be stopped. However, I’m also focusing on myself (and other women in America) first. Downvote me if you want, but I don’t want the abortion ban to be felt anywhere else than it has been already!

    Edit: Grammar

  • I go through phases of this with my husband. We’ve been married for 13 years, and he is legit my best friend, and I find him to be just unbelievably hot af. I’ll go weeks where I’m just like “goddamn, this is mine?”

    And then I also go through less intense periods. He’s still my partner through life and I’d get his back through anything and everything, but it’s less “omg you’re so hot” googly eyes and more like “this is the life we’ve built together and I’m so glad I did it with you”.

    But then a few weeks later I’m in crush mode.

    Obligatory of course we have our periods where we annoy the fuck out of each other, but it’s usually short-lived and we communicate and work through it. I think that’s just a realistic fact of marriage.

    He has made me such a better person than I was when I met him though. I think about that constantly.

  • When I was in Germany in 2022, I traveled freely around Germany, France, Belgium, Switzerland, and Czechia. I only got asked for my Passport in Switzerland, and then at the airports. Otherwise, no, you’d just be driving or on a train and the signs would change to French suddenly.

    I loved it. I wish we fucking would relax our shit in the US. It was hella neat.