• LadyAutumn@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      2 months ago

      Haha, I don’t believe that for a second. Whether you have or not doesn’t matter, because it happens all the time. And as someone who was an androgynous kid I got called a girl all the time. I certainly didn’t do anything to dissuade that. People used to ask my mom who her little sister was cause my mom was a young mother. And she’d have to awkwardly correct them both on the fact that I was her child and that I was a boy.

      Are you going to actually respond to the rest of that comment though? Come on, let’s see some reading comprehension skills and critical thinking. Defend your views.

      • thisguy1092@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        No I don’t ask those questions. I can see that they are a boy or a girl. You make it sound like it’s a complex thing. It’s not.

        • LadyAutumn@lemmy.blahaj.zone
          2 months ago

          I am absolutely not the one making it sound like a complex thing haha you’re the one who brought up pregnancy as though that’s how we determine how to gender someone.

          Perfect, so you agree that how someone looks to you is how you gender them. It isn’t their ability to reproduce, it isn’t their chromosomes, it isn’t their genitalia, it’s how they look. Like someone might be wearing clothes considered feminine in your culture, they might be wearing makeup or have visible breasts or a frame or facial structure associated with femininity in your culture. They might carry themselves in a way considered feminine by your culture, have a voice in a higher range or speak in a cadence and tone associated with femininity by your culture.

          You would be inclined to gender that person a woman and use pronouns she and her for them. Pretty simple right, you’ve seen girls your whole life you know what they look like. You know how they talk how they move what they wear. Same with boys. You know the way boys look and how they move and talk, what clothes they wear, how their hair is cut, how they’re built and what their faces look like.

          But you’ll note that none of these things are hard-line biological rules. Women are still women without breasts, with deep voices, with squarer builds and heavier facial structures. Women are still women with facial hair from PCOS. Womanhood is not something determined by biology. Otherwise, you’d ask for concrete proof every single time you had to refer to someone. It also exists whether or not someone completely matches what you expect women to look like or not. And if you gender a cisgender person wrong, if you call a girl a boy, she can correct you, and you will apologize and refer to her as a girl. She looked like a boy to you from that angle, but you were wrong.

          Gender is a social class. It is how we treat people socially. It defines certain rules and conventions for how you think about someone and how you interact with them. Transgender rights is liberating people to determine what their own gender is. It’s allowing gender identity to be self determined instead of assumed by other people. It’s pointing out, correctly, that gender is not defined by biology. It is defined by convention by what other people call you. That men and women are not biologically hardwired towards gender. Dresses are not a part of women’s biology, nor long hair, nor push-up bras. Those things are culturally and socially determined. Assigned gender is defined by restriction, boys can’t do that girls can’t do this. Liberating people from assigned gender allows them to define who they are.

          In short, gender is something you assign by what you see. What you see can be wrong. And when it’s wrong you trust the person speaking when they correct you (unless you’re an asshole). This has always applied to cis people. But it is restrictive, it forces people to be and act a certain way even if they don’t want to. And it doesn’t have to be that way. Your gender should be up to you. Everyone’s should be.

          • thisguy1092@lemmy.world
            2 months ago

            See that’s where we’re not seeing eye-to-eye

            I see a dude/kid/teenager have long hair act feminine or vice versa

            A person may be more masculine or feminine in whatever way. But you are still the gender/sex that you were born with. Whatever you do in life based on who you are that’s up to you! Cool you made yourself happy. But bottom line. You’re still a dude or a girl at birth.

            • LadyAutumn@lemmy.blahaj.zone
              2 months ago

              In what way are you “a dude or a girl at birth” if “dude or girl” is something people decide by how you look and not by your biology? And how do you explain masculinity or femininity being culturally relative? Men hold hands and kiss each other on the cheeks in some cultures. Those expressions of affection are masculine, as are skirts and well manicured nails in other cultures. There are some culture where being thin and vain are considered masculine. And some cultures where being stocky and blunt are considered feminine.

              Femininity and masculinity are 2 words that essentially mean “of men and women”. It’s just a roundabout way of referring to genders. A feminine man is gender non-conforming, their femininity goes against their assigned gender. They are presumed to be masculine because of their assigned gender, and therefore discouraged from being feminine. Allowing people to self determine their gender directly liberates them from this process.

              If you’re willing to allow someone like me to exist, someone with a vagina and estrogen and breasts who was nonetheless assigned male at birth, what functionally is preventing you from respecting my identity as a woman? Why is that unacceptable to you? What is being damaged by acknowledging my gender? Language isn’t sacred, and I feel like I’ve more than pointed out already that the word woman is not determined by someone’s biology. So what is the reason why you insist that society affirm and uphold the right of other people to tell me what gender I am? If it’s not biology and it is restrictive, literally giving me rules for who I am and who I’m allowed to be and how people must treat me, like it’s demonstrably severely damaging to my mental well-being, then why is it necessary for assigned gender to still be upheld? Why is it okay for you to continue to assert that about me? You disrespect me and my experiences when you continue to call me a man.

              You also say that you’re glad I made myself happy, but earlier said “9 more days ❤️”. A clear attempt to make me feel threatened and unsafe because of political persecution at the hands of the upcoming change in presidency. If you’re actually glad I myself happy, if it actually matters to you that I am healthy and have good quality of life, why do you promote support and endorse misinformation that is a direct threat to my safety? Why do you insist that society should take actions that would directly harm me? How can my well-being matter to you if in the same breath you disrespect my dignity as a person?

                • LadyAutumn@lemmy.blahaj.zone
                  2 months ago

                  You should respond more to what I said there. I added more at the end. Actually try and respond to what I’m saying. If your position is defensible and you are competent at defending it then prove it.

                  We already established that gender is not determined by biology. We determined that a dozen times over at this point. You assign gender based on what you see, and it’s up to people to correct you if you got it wrong. This works fine when the person is cisgender, but you have decided is unacceptable when they’re trans.

                  • thisguy1092@lemmy.world
                    2 months ago

                    Just stop taking the pills and tell me what happens.

                    I used to be a very focused person and that’s who I thought I was. But know what happened? I stopped taking ADHD medication and Whataya know I wasn’t always so focused.

                  • thisguy1092@lemmy.world
                    2 months ago

                    Gender is absolutely determined by biology. Remember I said I’ve never misgendered someone? You just chose not to believe a fact, remember?

              • thisguy1092@lemmy.world
                2 months ago

                And sorry because I still would address as ma’am or ms.

                But still in my head you are a man. You were born with a penis. Take the pills away and what happens?

                • LadyAutumn@lemmy.blahaj.zone
                  2 months ago

                  I highly doubt you would agree that I’m a man if we met. Even if you could tell I was trans id still be willing to bet you wouldn’t be able to internally conceive of me as a man. I am very conventionally feminine and dress and present myself in a way that is very in line with how other women my age dress and present.

                  I have had reassignment surgery, so nothing would happen if the pills were taken away. My body does not produce any more testosterone than a cisgender woman’s does. Even if I hadnt had reassignment surgery, biology still isn’t how we determine gender. My gender wouldn’t change in the absence of medication.