the culture war is a beautiful thing
it just keeps on giving and i know some people say oh its so divisive and its so toxic but when the left and the right are at each others throats it means were actually talking about the real issues and not just some watered down pc nonsense
you gotta love real talk
all these novel perspectives brought to the forefront i mean think about it weve got people from all walks of life sharing their thoughts and opinions and its this beautiful mess of ideas and its not always pretty but its real and its honest and its what america is all about
the fake news media is just mad
the msm wants to spin it as this negative thing that makes them money but really its a blessing in disguise because were not just sitting around twiddling our thumbs were actually engaging with each other and were actually fighting for what we believe in and making funny memes without the mainstream media
im just a patriot
i know some people are gonna say well wait chad youre not saying what i think youre saying but let me break it down for you
- females
- gay etc
- urban folks
- pagans
- my nephew
- america haters
- democrats
- hipsters
the future of america is worth fighting for
in the end its all worth it because its something bigger than ourselves and i know we can make this nation great again if we just keep on fighting and never stop fighting each other
what do you think
great content as always and i particularly like how you included a poll and i think thats very smart and creative
Weird as fuck bot garbage
no u