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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • Cause companies like twitter, facebook, and reddit love right wing extremists.

    They post a lot, click lots of ads, and are heavily engaged. Far more than any left winger.

    They are the honey pot from which the money flows. So they get the special treatment and protection.

    Which is why its so funny when they cry about persecution and victimhood. Cause anyone else doing what they do online would have not only been banned years ago, they’d probably get regular visits from police and possibly even arrested for things like “Terroristic threats”

    The only time they face any punishment whatsoever is when they go ridiculously overboard, like actively planning an attack on the fucking capitol building and the attempted assassination of political leaders they disagree with… and even then, its a slap on the wrist compared to what any other group of people who tried to do the same would face

  • I’m not an nihilist, I’m the opposite of that. But facing my own mortality every second of life has hit me hard.

    My sibling, You are not alone in living in constant terror of medical maladies that doctors have no interest in pursuing further than symptomatic treatment.

    I am in the same boat. I have seen half a dozen doctors, all at great personal expense cause I dont have insurance, and been in the ER dozens times in the past 10 years.

    and all I have is a handwave and “its probably anxiety”. Sure, I have anxiety. I have anxiety cause my heart rates over 200 for no reason. because my chest feels like an elephants sitting on it. because it feels like a flaming fist has Kali-Ma’d its way into my chest and is squeezing down in my heart. The anxiety didnt cause that shit. That shit caused the anxiety.

    As proven when they stick that big beautiful syringe of Ativan or other powerful anxiety med in my IV and I go off to no-fucks given land, yet all my symptoms stay. Just now I dont care anymore cause I’m floating on rainbows amidst femboy angels.

    But hey, my cardiac enzymes are good, and my EKG is clean (despite the 200bpm) so it just must all be in my head.

  • Two big things to do before you decide that.

    1. Do you run nvidia graphics? cause they are a PITA and influence your distro choice (you’ll want a distro that has nvidia drivers baked in.)

    2. If you game, go to https://www.protondb.com/ and check out a handful of the games you play. 99% of games work on linux with steams Proton (lets windows games run on steam), the only ones that dont are ones with invasive anti-cheat, so use protondb to see if any of your important games have issues.

    and as a final note of encouragement… I made the swap years ago, it was daunting…and there were a couple issues, but overall, far more easy than I ever expected it to be. (for me, cause I built the PC with the switch to linux in mind, so all my hardware is AMD). I am not a sysadmin or anyone who had any significant experience linux before my swtich, and I switched cold turkey after a brief weekend of basic researching. In other words, I’m a moe-ran. So if I can do it, pretty much anyone can. Good luck with it if you do try to make the switch :D

  • I wouldnt say I have nostalgia for XP itself, but I do look on it fondly, the same reason I look on 98 fondly.

    It was better than its previous OS. More stable, more usable, requiring less reformats to keep it snappy and healthy, etc.

    Which is one of the many reasons why 7 is the peak. Cause you didnt have to regularly reformat 7. It was just that good at managing itself, and its snappiness, that you never had to reformat/refresh the install cause it never got bogged down.

    edit You can download and run space cadet pinball on linux, I think i got mine off Discover (which probably is the same thing as every other distros app store/house/whatever)