👍Maximum Derek👍

Future winner of the Nobel prize in Minecraft

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023

  • Project 2025 is a report from a far right think tank, the Heritage Foundation that MAGA aligned groups are all pushing into the news cycle.

    There are plenty of centrist, progressive, and/or left wing (the 3 camps that make up democrats) think thanks but those are 3 fairly different paths/goals compared to HF’s message of “lets make a white christian nationalist state.” So it’s easier to for them to build positive polling off the different arguments. The media also doesn’t give nearly the same airtime but extremists because they’re all driven by ratings/clicks.

  • In the late 1990s I was at university using their OC-48 lines. So I had a share of a ~2GBit connection while most of the people were lucky to get 56k.

    In the dorms, everyone was assigned an IP address but most people still didn’t have their own computers. So my roommate and I convinced a bunch of other people on our floor to give us their IPs - and our RA was also a Network admin, so he was able to facilitate. We ran a web server, forums, Quake and Team Fortress (1) servers (Clan Clam for folks that remember Quake Clans), and some very private file servers. All running on found hardware.

    The speed was so fast compared to most folks that it was a bit like having a data related super power.