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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 12th, 2024

  • Considering the super shady practices involved with plasma “donation”, and the fact that it’s used to make very expensive cancer drugs, take your text and good vibes. That’s literally the better outcome.

    Most of the world won’t even buy US plasma because of the really lax collection regulations and super sus conditions of most of the plasma centers (basically the fact that it’s paid and on such short turnaround causes a lot of people to game the system, it’s dangerous, and potentially unsanitary/risky.)

  • Yes! Ok that probably helps a lot. Because I’ve seen a HUGE rise in _core (cottagecore, goblin core, Forrest core, witch core, etc. and that’s just here on Lemmy)

    I hope that takes off more and leaves Punk behind so it can fit better. :) I’m sure the distinction exists for a reason.

    And yeah steampunk is sort of the odd duck in what the other major __punk actually hit, but I did have some friends waaaaaaay back when steampunk was brand new, big into it, and they took it all the way to the social changes necessary for never evolving past the Industrial Revolution… so I’m probably heavily biased by that (then again in highschool they had canes, waistcoats, and top hats, and basically cosplayed as English gentlemen all the time so… probably not an ideal sample!)

  • When I think of __punk, I think about it having a whole -way of life- change, not just an aesthetic change. Cyberpunk incorporates all of the dystopia of deeply embedded tech and stuff. Solarpunk is the whole “living with nature” ideal, even steampunk had to reimagine how things would work (tho admittedly that’s way more of an aesthetic than the other two imho).

    So it’s basically a meaningless term then? That’s disappointing. I really want to explore other… hypothetical options I suppose.

  • I mean I get that it’s used that way, but that doesn’t address what I want to know - are these “more than aesthetic”, or is it watering down what punk means by being applied too broadly?

    I tend to think it’s the latter, because while the three I called out specifically are an aesthetic, they are also “alternative present/future” in a rebellious and/or politicized sort of way. They are sort of “what if?” Or “this would be good/bad/interesting”.

    I don’t think the others really have that quality, but I’m not deeply involved with anything that would really help sort it out. So here I am :)

  • I was nearly always grounded from all electronics from 6-13 (autdhd, and authoritarian parents, bad mix), and had a bedroom with no exterior windows. My window went to a modified 3-season porch thing, in 2 of the 3 places (the third was an apartment for like 6mths, I barely remember it), and that’s where my mom slept, so… really quiet dead silence, mostly, else I was in trouble. Again. Or whatever garbage my mom had on tv, muffled through the wall.

    Now I have tinnitus, so silence is really loud. I have aquariums tho and the hum and bubble of the air pump helps a lot (plus really loud circulation fans).

  • I was under the impression you’d never actually realize you were falling in because of the time dilation.

    You would see everything around you slow down, while you seem to be going the normal speed, because gravity. As long as your body remained parallel to the hole itself so you didn’t get pulled to shreds.

    I get that this shows the gravitational lensing and stuff but… I’m having a hard time squaring that with time dilation. Would you actually see gravitational lensing from inside the lens?

  • Considering the lifescript tells people they are a failure if they are not paired off (and reproducing in the suburbs as a single income family, all unattainable goals these days), you do actually have to choose. It’s easier for a lot of people to have a string of bad relationships than “give up” as you put it, and nobody ever says “don’t date anymore!” Quite the opposite.

    But at a certain point a person may realize the effort isn’t worth whatever nebulous “reward” supposedly comes from being paired off, because they can get all the same stuff from other social bonds. Then they choose to stop engaging, even passively, with the dating scene. (By passively, I mean they are no longer receptive to the idea of dating, even if the planets line up)

    I see this as a very deliberate choice. It’s one I made for myself. It’s a harder choice for a lot of people because it means focusing on other relationships, building up the social circle you need to have your emotional needs met, and loving yourself as you are with no change needed to accommodate another. But it’s an equally valid choice all the same, especially when our species doesn’t do monogamy well at all, but does do social-support bonds very well.

    It has nothing to do with learning to love yourself to be a better partner. People who have deliberately chosen to stay single don’t care if they are a good monogamy partner because that’s not what they are looking for, and they actively don’t want it if it does show up. Implying it is is like all those people who tell people that have chosen not to have kids “well you’ll change your mind!!” It’s dismissive of the decisions they made for themselves for reasons no-one else is privy to. And all those people who were told they’d change their mind about kids… didn’t change their mind, shockingly.

  • BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.nettoScience Memes@mander.xyzImplications
    1 month ago

    This makes me think of the red dwarf episode where they find a Time Machine 3 million years into deep space, and use it to go back to the 15th century. They get disappointed and think it failed because they are still in deep space, and Kryten says no, it worked, we are now in 15th century deep space.

    They then work out that you need both a Time Machine and an instant space travel machine like the holly hop drive. Especially since everything in the universe is moving.

    And so, like, aliens might very well care but can’t find the right intersection of time and space to actually get there. :)