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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • Yeah, one that I always think of is the see-saw one where a sky diver’s parachute failed so he aimed for a see-saw with a girl sitting on one end which resulted in the girl launched shot upwards and then landing safely on top of a building.

    Their first test used basically a metal plank on a fulcrum and the forces did more to bend the plank than they did to launch the girl and she didn’t get high enough.

    Their second attempt used a see-saw that was built using suspension bridge tech to essentially make it instructable, resulting in fatal forces from the launch. At this point, they called it busted.

    But I see two unrealistic extremes where reality would exist somewhere in the middle where see-saws are designed to not break easily but not to the point of being indestructible and there might be a sweet spot where the forces are high enough to launch girl several stories up but not high enough that she dies from the forces.

    Also, for the bull in a china shop one, I’m guessing that saying resulted from a bull ending up inside a china shop during a running of the bulls event, where stress would be high and there wouldn’t be an easy and obvious path out on the other side, plus maybe a shopkeeper suddenly trying to get it out in a panic. I think that would get the expected result, especially after a few shelves have broken and each step makes more broken sounds.

  • Yeah, now that I think of it more, I can’t see a single good reason for a time traveler to show up at this party. Going back in time to prove the existence of time travel to the past has a very good chance of handing control of time travel away to people who can undo your existence without you ever being aware of it.

    Even if you just wanted a conversation with one of the brilliant minds in physics, it would be smarter to pick a random lecture or non-time-travel-themed party.

  • If there was any reason to believe they wouldn’t be selling data anyways, making it a paid thing would make it seem more trustworthy, at least. If it’s free, then you have to assume it’s generating profit through other means.

    Though even if that means of profit is from people using it to make Amazon orders, I still don’t trust it because most of the time when I do order something on Amazon, I need to look through a bunch of sketchy results to find one that looks trustworthy. I wouldn’t trust a voice assistant to pick a better option, in fact I wouldn’t be surprised if the voice assistant is specifically designed to select inventory they have more trouble moving.

  • Buddahriffic@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzSpeed
    2 months ago

    Rotation is acceleration towards the center with a velocity perpendicular to the centre. Using a frame of reference that rotates along with the object doesn’t change what is physically happening to that object, it just affects the way you observe what’s happening. A rotating frame of reference is itself accelerating and each of those frames of reference are accelerating.

    We don’t feel the Earth’s rotation because gravity is accelerating our entire body and surroundings at the same rate, plus it’s not just the spinning keeping us in equilibrium; the left over force holds us on the ground.

    The other two feel different because it’s the structures that provide the acceleration towards the centre, which then pushes on our bodies where it makes contact, and then the structure of our bodies pulls the rest and you can feel the forces of things wanting to move in the direction of inertia but being pulled around the circle instead.

    If rotating frames of reference weren’t accelerating, turning a car would feel no different from going straight.

  • I assume this is definitely the case for free VPNs, if any of those still exist. There might be some willing to donate bandwidth and compute resources for the good of others, but I’m sure there’s more that pretend to do that but actually just sell the data or maybe just spy.

    Tbh I wouldn’t be surprised if this is also the case for TOR nodes. I wonder how many entry and exit points are run by the NSA or some other government entity. Or are just monitored. If you can monitor the entry and exit points, you can determine both the source and destination, and just match them together using the middle node address.

    Same thing with proxies.

    Paid VPNs could go either way. On the one hand, they could make more money if they are willing to sell out their users’ privacy. On the other hand, that risks the entire thing falling apart if word gets out that it’s not private, since that’s the whole point of VPNs. I’m sure there’s some good ones out there but I’m also sure that there’s bad ones and wouldn’t be surprised if some of the ones considered good are actually bad.

    Maybe ones that run in Europe would be safer bets. Their business is at least able to run there with the privacy laws. Maybe they are skirting them and haven’t been caught yet, maybe their data sales from other regions are profitable enough to support European operations without data sales, but if they are going for max greed and min risk, maybe they wouldn’t operate there. Or maybe they just run things differently in the different regions to maximize global profits.

  • Buddahriffic@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzExperiments
    2 months ago

    It was more revolutionary the day before it was released than the day after though. That game was my first lesson in not getting hyped about something just based on what marketers were saying.

    The game could have used at least a few more years of baking. The earlier stages were more complete, though IMO even they lacked breadth and depth. But the later ones were disappointing in their simplicity.