A digital citizen

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • 💯 on these critiques.

    Reddit is so over moderated and the mods don’t give a shit at all about their communities, just their power over those communities and reddit as a whole. Then you have how awful the auto moderator, the report system, and the reddit cares bullshit, it’s basically an over moderated safe space for MAGAs/Nazis, Sealioners, and concern trolls.

  • To finish the quote on her CIA relationship, since context is important:

    In May 1975, Redstockings, a radical feminist group, published a report that Steinem and others put together on the Vienna Youth Festival and its attendees for the Independent Research Service.[112][113] Redstockings raised the question of whether Steinem had continuing ties with the CIA, which Steinem denied.[114] Steinem defended her relationship to the CIA, saying: “In my experience The Agency was completely different from its image; it was liberal, nonviolent and honorable.”

    Honestly I figured the context would clear things up, but the rest of the quote makes her come off as an apologist for an organization known to play as dirty as the KGB, and especially during that era. However just because something is funded by an entity such as the CIA doesn’t always mean that the organization is part of, partner in, or even a willing partner with something like the CIA, same with the KGB or its descendants, espionage operates on leverage, and it all depends on what kind of hold you have over the “asset(s)”.

  • DigitalTraveler42@lemmy.worldtoMemesMemories
    6 months ago

    Lmao no my dude, it was a joke mocking Mel Gibson, the “mother” in the image:


    Although he’s denying he called the officer sugar tits now:


    Although my mom was kinda horrible, it would be weird to hear her, a Jew, complain about Jews, however, that’s exactly how every call to her mother, my grandmother would go up until she passed away earlier this year. My grandmother constantly complained about the Hasidic Jews taking over everything where she lived on the Queens/Long Island border, and to be fair, she wasn’t completely wrong, the Hasidics are pro-apartheid, they support it in Israel, and they support in their American enclaves as well, and they’re not afraid to be litigious bullies about it to get their way.

    Thanks for the misplaced sympathy, I definitely appreciated it and the laugh.

  • I channel that into anger, rather than hopelessness, but I absolutely get you, it’s hard being unable to stop things from happening that you see a thousand miles away, and being fix some of the easiest stuff to fix. Now with the political climate with one side of most governments leaning very fascist, and then what’s going on economically, everything is harder and more frustrating, much more expensive. But that’s why I choose anger over hopelessness, because fuck these assholes, I’m not going to let these bastards grind us down, and you shouldn’t either.

    My advice would be to try to force yourself to live in the moment more, stay informed, but find other outlets for your life, even if it’s just trying some pot and hallucinogenics, and channel your hopelessness into something positive, something that helps, even if it’s just something that helps you, also music, listening to it, or playing it if you can, I can’t, but music is always very therapeutic. Books or audiobooks work pretty well too.

    Good luck, I really hope you find a way to overcome your sense of hopelessness, I know it’s not easy, but life never is.

  • Watching the actual Daily Show interview would probably be more helpful than this article was:


    It was a really good interview, Lina Khan was essentially a guest that Apple TV had blacklisted from Jon’s now cancelled show, they break down some of the ways the Tech Robber Barons have been undermining regulations and laws, while making boatloads of money and manipulating the stock market. They then go into some of Jon’s issues with Apple, his former employer, and why they had Lina Khan blacklisted as a guest on Jon’s now cancelled show, and after hearing her speak I can see why, she’s smart, and knows the topic well, and has some good ideas on how to fix some of the issues we have with regulating and controlling not just tech, but all out of control businesses. Then they discuss AI, how corporate leadership is going to fuck workers over completely using AI, and how AI is currently just a bunch of bullshit being used as an excuse to take our jobs and pay us less.

  • That’s probably why the movie was titled Oppenheimer and not Hiroshima & Nagasaki, because the movie was focused on the man and his work and the regrets that came from that work, while nations celebrated the end of a second World War.

    This movie was the type of movie that was always going to upset someone, and while it sucks that Japanese citizens were killed, their Emperor’s military might was a brutally murderous raping scourge set loose on that section of the world, while also working with some of the other worst regimes of the world. Overall Japan fucked around and attacked first, did a lot of horrible shit to many different peoples, made some truly horrible friends, and then found out in one of the most devastating ways possible, I feel bad for the innocent civilians, but it was always ever going to end the way it did, if not a lot worse.

    I’m just glad Japan grew to be what it is now and that it chose better ways to engage with the world than more attempts at domination, even though Anime, Manga, video games, and more have dominated the world’s hearts.

  • Sounds like the critic’s attention span is decreasing and they don’t realize it, it’s so easy to blame others for something you’re not self aware enough to see in yourself.

    My attention span has gone to shit lately too, I’m already an ADHD person, however the show was no slower than most other dramas, although maybe the critic was looking for more action since the Brangelina version of the story was filled with people shooting at each other. I personally liked that they explored the way their relationship developed, and that there were plenty of the shockingly funny scenes that Donald Glover and Hiro Murai tend to incorporate into their work.