2 months agoLiterally just started doing this last week. I did NOT expect it to work so much better than the name-brand app for such a “closed system” as Sonos.
Literally just started doing this last week. I did NOT expect it to work so much better than the name-brand app for such a “closed system” as Sonos.
My old Nexus 5 was my first smartphone and probably still holds the top spot for price, performance and usability (at the time) of any phone I’ve owned. My current Pixel 6 is somewhat close- but there was just something SO solid and magical about the old Nexus 5.
I’ve got it opening YouTube links by default… At least from within other apps. In Firefox I can also hit “open in app” and it pops right up. Casting works too.
My napkin math says I’m closer to $212~ per day for my household… That’s still WAY higher than I would have expected. And we try to be pretty frugal in some areas. That includes taxes though. Just shelter costs ballparks to $90-ish per day. Start adding in food, transportation costs, communication costs, taxes… It all adds up REALLY fast. Close to $200/day in just bare essentials to exist and operate within the modern world in my area of the US.