Awesome, thanks for all the info! :D
Awesome, thanks for all the info! :D
That sounds nice :) I was thinking of one as my first bike, but don’t want to buy anything new made Russian at the moment
Got a link to an eu reseller or something?
Is it an old one or one of the newer? Do they still have power to the side car wheel?
We wouldn’t get far before the shark would asphyxiate though, I think it’s a bad replacement for cars
Wouldn’t that require the app the a better experience?
He might just want you in the room when he starts to eat, it’s always nicer to eat with company
Exactly, other languages would use something like “Det är bara människan som utvecklat tal” or “Es ist nur der Mensch, der die Sprache entwickelt hat” depending on language
it’s only humans capable of the sub communication protocol called English that says that
Yes, those are the things that are good to know :)
I moved into a house where a person with “basic electrical skills” lived and there are so many fire hazards and death traps. I wish electrical assistance was cheaper so people doesn’t mess with that. It was an old partner to the person I moved in with and she was upset that I hired an electrician to redo quite alot[
Not anything against your skills, the phrase just reminded me of my former home :P
If it’s a major owner of a company I would still say it’s the company.
Does this mean someone will make MS-DOS SoCs similar to the ned-clone blobs? i would love to have a gaming board for a small Commander Keen cabinet with ultra low power reqs
I can only hope
If I only hate the Dutch that means all people I hate must be Dutch. Simple as.
Return to the Roots are awesome <3
I would say it’s in general easier to control robots than specialists and experts, they usually have a mind of their own and sometimes motivations outside of the controllers requirements