• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • When people talk about “christians” they always fail to realize that there are hundreds of different denominations. Some are going to be psycho snake swingers or ultra regressive loons. Others are just regular people who believe in god. People always focus on the crazies because the crazies are the ones standing around screeching.

    But there are plenty of denominations that are left leaning as fuck because, guess what, Jesus as described in the bible was a socialist hippy who hung out with sex workers, leppers, and other social outcasts. For example the church I always went to was pro same sex marriage as far back as 2005, so long before it was legal in most states (I just don’t remember it comming up before that).

    So some ultra regressives (like the person who made those comics) are anti-education because they’re against anything that doesn’t promote their worldview. But I’d say the vast majority of christians aren’t like that at all.

  • I’m assuming that this is a joke but just in case it isn’t you need to stop. If you’re seen doing this then you will be labeled a sex offender as you should be. Noone consented to being involved in your fetish. Noone is going to be aroused or stop and help. They are going to call the cops and you are going to get arested.

    Just to repeat it, do not ever subject anyone to sexual acts without prior explicit consent. Go get therapy now.

  • As others have already said. Thats a needle valve from a carburator. Theres no question about it. It also isn’t something that falls out. Someone did some lawnmower repair and either was annoyed when they lost it or just pitched the old one in your yard when their parts kit came with a new one. There’s probably not much point in saving it though because they’re dirt cheap and easy to get. Whoever lost it has almost certainly replaced it by now because without that little needle the carburator won’t work and will start pouring gas everywhere.

  • It’s a dynamically-sized list of objects of the same type stored contiguously in memory.

    dynamically-sized: The size of it can change as needed.

    list: It stores multiple things together.

    object: A bit of programmer defined data.

    of the same type: all the objects in the list are defined the same way

    stored contigiously in memory: if you think of memory as a bookshelf then all the objects on the list would be stored right next to each other on the bookshelf rather than spread across the bookshelf.

  • I originally went to college for computer science because I liked programming and I was good at it. Then I got a gig to write some software for a company and swiftly realized that if I had to do that 8 hours a day 5 days a week for the rest of my life I would jump off a bridge. So I dropped out and went back to working in a factory.

    Now I’m a process tech at that factory who basically works as the right hand of the engineers. I spend my days keeping my brain busy troubleshooting new and unique issues, fixing equipment, and generally doing whatever it takes to keep production running. It’s the same problem solving fun I got from programming but I get to work with my hands and with more varied mediums. I absolutely love it and I make more doing this than I would if I was a programmer in my area. I make enough money to be fairly happy and I’m in a position that is about as automatable as plumbing (not at all) so my job is secure.

    So, with all that said, if I had to make the decision to drop out of college again, I would do it even faster. That’s not to say I’m not grateful for what I learned in college, but it wasn’t worth all the money I spent. Not to mention the drain on my mental health of trying to both work full time and go to school full time which is what I needed to do to afford it.