Hi. I am usually pretty private on Lemmy but I’ll post about my experience now.
I was abused by my parents. PTSD has affected me my entire life. I’ve read books and articles extensively on the subject and those helped but what really helped me was finding a good, trustworthy therapist. My condition was so bad, my therapist suggested a psychiatrist instead. I asked if it’s possible to just try therapy first, and the therapist agreed.
While I knew the beginning techniques for, my therapist was able to see what works and adjust accordingly. Also having a guide to all this, with minimal judgement is a benefit in itself. We were able to define what good mental health was together, which helped me a lot.
Getting one now, might not help much for the holidays, but this post is for your future. I know it can sound expensive, at least for me it did, but being able to have pockets of peace and more control of my life is worth it.
I recently had a dream Bobby Flay was at some of convention showing off mice. They are supposedly special for whatever reason. He told me to take them back to my trailer park home (note, I never lived in a trailer park or even spent a night in a mobile home).
I took them home and they escaped. I had a hard time finding them and they slowly grew to cat sized baby hippos. At first I was scared but I eventually worked up the courage to grab one. It was slimey and a little cold. They were cute though and they liked belly rubs.