• 23 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 9th, 2024


  • Horrible story.

    The only good thing is the kidnappers atleast gave him a good life but the other family I can’t imagine what they went through 7 decades. And that they already died not knowing what had happend to their child.

    But at the same time I dunno… 7 decades is long. I think I would have been fine with knowing if my brother had a good life and is still alive and just not mention anything. He is 72 and his whole life was a lie… he was raised and loved by kidnappers, no contact to his family because he didn’t know about them…

    I think everyone is different but maybe it is just me. If my parents weren’t my parents ( I am 31) I’d be fine not knowing anything at all and just keep it how it is. Now I am 31… imagine getting this information when you retire. Even if my parents weren’t my parents I’d be mad at them for kidnapping me but I’d be open for a dialogue. Sounds strange, but I can’t change the what people have done in the past and I’d have no “connection” to my real parents at this point in life.

    I wonder what I’d do if I’d find out my parents kidnapped me. I’d be confused because I had been robbed my ancestry, history, people,… I’d be living a life I wasn’t meant to live. I think I’d need psych care. I wouldn’t want that at the age of 72. Right now at age 31 I’d need treatment but at the age of 72 I wouldn’t want to know that my life was not suppose to be how it was, especially if I can’t speak with my original parents and my kidnappers.

  • It’s the small things that start meaning a lot.

    I work nightshift and last year I had nightshift from 22nd Dec to I think 28th Dec (7 nightshifts) I do it for the money and so I am off longer til 10th January.

    I always wear my christmas sweater to work and before I go to my nightshifts I stop at the bakery. I am 30 and this lady, I assume around 26-28 commented on my sweat “Hey you look good!”.

    I am not searching for a girlfriend because I have a wife lol but this still somehow felt nice. My wife also comments on how good it looks etc. but when strangers comment on that it’s still kind of different.

    I grabbed my coffee2go, sat in my car, called my wife and told her a young lady hit on me but eventhough I am old asf (31 lol) and she laughed and wished me a good nightshift.

    When my wife and I go on vacation to italy and a car that is still with you after 3 hours drives is also nice. The last time the car behind flashed his headlights 4-5 times before he left our highway and waved. I waved back. We never saw us again.

  • That sounds cool.

    Stupid question but do you think you have a good “deep” sleep if you have many lucid dreams? I always thought having lucid dreams was when people are kind of asleep but not really asleep - you know what I mean?

    I for example had lucid dreams if I get out of bed to go to the toilet at night and go back to bed for an hour or if I set my alarm one hour before waking up and hit snooze.

  • Not giving a single F about anything.

    I wish I could return to the state I was during pre birth. I have been given a small time frame of giving f’s though until I will return to that state I desire to be in.

    In about 50 years if nothing out of my control wipes me out I will return to being non existent.

    Thinking about this makes me wonder, I havent given a single f since the big bang and now I am thrown on to a globe and a large handful of people passively forcing me to do. I have to be. I never had the option to not be. Lets see where this goes