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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Jarix@lemmy.world
    toScience Memes@mander.xyzMythbusters
    4 days ago

    Ive told people this many times, we need to create more room for failure. From school, to jobs, to building businesses, to loans, to health.

    If we can try something because if we fail we can try something else, we would find a hell of a lot more to care about in this world.

    And the most important thing we would care more about is ourselves

  • It entirely depends on what outcome OP is okay wiyh and how they approach getting there. You and I dont get to decide this, i was only offering OP a strategy to help under a specific context.

    You can disagree with my advice all you want, its OPs opinion that matters

    You are dictating what to do, i was only offering my viewpoint. I dont care if op finds my advice useless, they are simply welcome to it as thats they are the ones asking for opinions to help them make up their mind.

    Take it or leave it, feel free to ask questions if you see a problem.

    Im advocating for more discussion, you are shutting down discussion

  • While i disagree with you in general about how you commented, i do believe each person in the relationship should have some form of personal discretionary funds available for whatever frivolous or not spending they want to do.

    But that spending should not affect or effect the other person in the relationship in the way of putting the relationship, or the health and safety of anyone in it at risk.

  • OP if you are still struggling with this situation, it might be beneficial to you to examine what exactly is it that bothers you?

    That she hid this from you?

    That she is creating a debt you will be responsible for(if she is not willing/capable of managing this debt) without your consent? (You claimed that she has made you responsible for household finances)

    That she is doing something without you?

    Is it trauma from the situation that caused you to previously declare bankruptcy?

    Is being in debt at all a trigger for you?

    Theres lots of things about this situation that You probably dont stress over, but clearly something has you spooked by this. If you understand what doesnt bother you it might help navigate her defenses and focus on what is a problem, instead of wasting energy fighting over aspects of this situtuation you both can focus on what actually is bothering you and not the details that might lead the relationship to a worse place. Its just exhausting to be arguing over the wrong things. Its incredibly harmful to working things out

    Ive been on the other end of this. She was the bread winner when we moved in together and then she kept changing jobs and not liking them eventually she was too depressed to hold a job at all. My 15$ an hour job was our only income for about 2 years at one point and i found out she had racked up 5000 on her credit card.

    Before i found out she would always get upset about me questioning her use of that card. We were already in debt for a car we bought together and we were really struggling.

    She eventually decided she was unhappy and broke up with me. Have dated 2 people since that didnt go anywhere and its been almost 15 years now

  • Point of contention. Shes not “spending het money” shes spending credit. Shes in debt without telling her married partner of 20 years.

    Hes responisble for that debt as well, so its not about him controlling her earned money.

    This is a trust issue, and since he is unable to earn money thats really fucking shitty of her to hide a thing like this from him. The amount isnt really the issue, he found out about this debt when it was small enough to be managed, but this could be the beginning of a much bigger incident.