• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023

  • I also shave with a safety razor/shavette and spend about twice as long for a close shave as only the first pass. Also being the type worried for time, I’ve clocked myself and typically end up at just under 4 minutes including warm-up, post-shave creams, brushing, and oiling.

    You go once with the grain, once across it (90 degrees) and then once against it but with a lower angle than the others (so you don’t cut/irritate unnecessarily). Lather before each pass as per usual. The time to get everything set up and work up the first lather is longer than going another two passes.

    Edit to add: I shave like this about every other day, but let it go over weekends, or other times I resent my worksona. I have chosen shaving gear to make it fun though, with a nice brush & bowl, a nice smelling shaving soap, etc. My best trick was to find a better suited razor blade, Dorco Platinum, makes it easy, fun and lasts me two weeks before having to change. I’m sure other brands are great too, that’s just the best one I have available.

    I’m trying to grow out a beard, so I don’t trim it down, but shape it once a week with some scissors and a comb.

    Back when I couldn’t be bothered, I mostly grew it wild, brushed and shaped it 1-2 times/week, and trimmed it down in length every few months. Nowadays we have barbershops around and I can have a professional style it while I get a haircut.

  • My list is quite different than the ones currently in the thread.

    The boring ones:

    Creating a vaccine or other cloaking to make humans invisible to ticks & mosquitoes. A separate project would be to do the same for parasites.

    Enacting strict pollution/carbon limits and mandatory circular economy everywhere in the world.

    Researching, trialing and Enacting a sustainable post-capitalist system everywhere in the world.

    Developing solar energy until covering global energy demands, including a power network that can transport energy from the sunny side and/or orbit everywhere.

    The slightly more ambitious:

    Establish self-sustainable colonies living on off-earth resources, most probably also situated off-earth.

    Create a Dyson swarm with enough energy output for in-system exploration, mining, colonisation, and terraforming.

    Perfect matter replicators.

    I have some other ideas as well, but those would be a start.

  • @toboggonablaze is essentially correct, but let me try explain it in a slightly different way.

    Lasers do a bunch of things to basically shoot a stream of photons at something. There’s basically two ways you can affect how much energy comes out of a laser, you can make the stream denser (more photons per second) - called intensity, or you can increase the energy in each photon.

    The weird part about photon energy is that higher energy photons are of a different “color”, where red is lower than green, is lower than blue, is lower than gamma rays, etc.

    So changing the color of a laser already means you’ve changed how much energy it can output.

    Then there’s another part of your question: how lead gets heated up. Different materials respond differently to different types/wavelengths of light, an example you might be familiar with is that glass panes let through visible light, but not the heat from the sun, or that water also is see through, but can easily be microwaved (by microwaves - low frequency light).

    Basically, a material can be more or less “translucent” in certain frequencies. I’d like to look lead up for you, but Google isn’t cooperating today. But basically, there are frequencies that lead will be more and less susceptible to.

    That’s probably not what you meant with the question, but if that’s the application you want to use the laser for, you might want to take it into consideration.

    So, in summary: color is energy, intensity is energy, you can change both independently, so your question doesn’t quite make sense.

    Also, different targets will heat differently, also not making it a fair comparison.