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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2023


  • I caught one trying to be in my bathroom and decided to be “nice” by tossing it into my basement.

    Down there the entire floor had been sprayed with insect repellent from signs of fleas and roaches, there has been signs of mice and lord knows what else down there too.

    2 days later I found it dead having made it all the way to the staircase. Definitely one of the strongest showings in the Gauntlet but not strong enough.

  • Krauerking@lemy.loltoScience Memes@mander.xyzGet Pasteurised
    10 days ago

    Honestly I really should just be locked away for everyone’s, and my own, safety.

    I was one of the original patients that spread swine flu in the US in 2009 after a trip to Mexico. I now have vaccines for everything from yellow fever to typhoid cause I thought I might spread it too.

    My stories should probably be in a leather bound book of things not to do that people argue whether or not it’s allegorical when it says “do not trust the boy who brings back diseased cloth for all his friends”

    Edit: same vacation I broke 6 ribs falling off a cruiseship and had to be rescued by the Mexican coast guard actually.
    Train wreck.

  • Krauerking@lemy.loltoScience Memes@mander.xyzGet Pasteurised
    10 days ago

    I once got caught up in a game of dodge the cactus that I mistakenly thought was “catch” the cactus and proceeded to try to figure out how to get the needles out of both of my hands face and mouth.

    I decided on sprite for the ones in my mouth by gargling it.

    I once also made homemade root beer let it ferment to long so it was alcoholic and got a bunch of other kids drunk at school. This barely scratches the surface, and doesn’t include the forest fires or all the times hit by trains and boats.

    Anyways, yeah a recap of my life would be a wild watch. If you really do have your life flash before your eyes at the end I am gonna need some popcorn for this feature film.

  • Krauerking@lemy.loltoScience Memes@mander.xyzGet Pasteurised
    10 days ago

    Yeah and told to finish the test. I also had a professor who let me take a final while bleeding after I was hit by a car on my bike on the way to class.

    Both times I did not do particularly well.
    I honestly think modern professors just don’t care anymore, or expect 19 year olds to be way more mature and competent than they are.

    My life was, and is, a train wreck.

  • Krauerking@lemy.loltoScience Memes@mander.xyzGet Pasteurised
    10 days ago

    Nah don’t worry I had listeria 3 times and milk was only one of them. You got to worry about caramel apples and hummus just as much.

    Also don’t get listeria I had a seizure while vomiting while taking a physics final and got yelled at for it in college. It’s just not a fun time.

  • You can use them to make bread actually. And thicken a soup. Some of my favorite ways to hide them. And that should help disperse whatever is happening with them.

    I think you might have a gastro issue with them. Potatoes are so high in basically everything that they can upset your stomach, and it not be a grease thing. Unless you are getting really grean skinned potatoes full of solanine you might actually be best using them sparingly.

    You could look into yams. Sweeter but usually still cheap and pretty darn healthy. I would also say grow peas or green beans. They sprout in days and will harvest for month/s.

    Unfortunately if you struggle with potatoes you might also struggle with eggplant that also tends to be cheap.

    If you have zucchini I love to just cut them in half and scoop out some of the inside center and mix that with breadcrumbs and sauce and some cheese put it back in the zucchini boat and bake them. They store well and are pretty filling.

    I get food insecurity. I once had to feed my whole family on the budget of just my paper route because of a drunk Mom. It’s not fun. But if you let me know what is cheap around you maybe we can figure out something if you want.

  • I have pretty much taken to making my own stuff to save money and bread is way easier than you think if you are ok with it not being super special but with some money saved they can get a little more fun. I just recently did little buns with mustard and onion powder that was way better than burger buns from the store for way cheaper.

    Literally yeast water salt and flour is enough to make pizza dough. If you have a jar of active dry yeast it will last forever it feels and if you just put some in a new jar with some water and flour you can just keep it growing forever and literally not bother buying more. Then sauce and cheese and throw it on a pan you had preheating in the oven.

    And milk that’s starting to sour you should absolutely try to make into a quick cheese or something cause it’s likely not bad just chemically changing. Just a little vinegar and you can make cheese or if you are baking use it instead of water and the sour flavor actually helps them taste better.

    Chive pancakes can also be made cheap and be a nice thing to make a lot of freeze and use as a filling snack/side.