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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • What’s your favorite Iron Man scene from any of the Marvel Movies?

    Fun thing to do is when you realize 99% of the internet is just advertising teams working for these rich fucking A hole’s, is you make them work for their money but posting things that PR companies would hate. Just culture jam the hell out of the dead internet. Its the only way to be. Its what makes places like r/joerogan and r/thefighterandthekid so much fun.

  • I’ll show you how we got here. Ready for this.

    We should make the internet as toxic and hostile to anyone using ads as possible because soon as people make money online through ad revenue it will grow so large we can never stop it again among other problems like looking away content and enshitification. Digitally copy and pirate all things that make money through ads. Make them pay for stealing your time and making everything worse. Every time we see an ad, make 5 posts or comments about how that product or service or thing gave you cancer or stared a fire or is haunted. Chase the bankers out of the temple with a whip.

    And then people will say “but what about the content creators they need to get paid”

    You can’t have both. You cannot have people earning money online through ads and an internet where ads don’t become the sole driver of all things online.

  • Lots of ways to do this. But overall the idea isn’t that the only investment you can ever make is in the company you work for. What could happen is some shares are public and the rest are held by employees. Employees would own enough to reserve more power in decision making so that the employees have greater say in direction of the company. It also means private Business can also be private. Just make it so that if any company wants to go public they should be employee owned or similar.

  • This was my opinion. Any company that wants to go public should be required to restructure as a cooperative. Stay private means you get to be the man running the show. But the benefits the market gives business also means those business usually impact people at a scale that no individual or handful of individuals should be making decisions especially when those decisions are " increase profits at all costs". Cooperatives bring locals to the decision making and helps regulate some choices that are made at the executive level

  • The left got herded into corners like lemmy. Bots kind of convinced us all to say things like “I just don’t engage them man, like wrestling pigs ya’know” which strategically biased the algorithms to favor engagement which now only comes from right wing users who seem to have endless time to post and share their content and laugh while the left just react to it all with grumblings from the corners of the internet now. Name a popular left leaning celebrity that didn’t get nailed to a cross. Sometimes nailed with nails provided by people on the left. Every time i saw a right wing celebrity do something bizarre their popularity only grew and they benefited. I would watch someone say something about climate change and every forum was all agreeing that guy was a bit annoying or probably a rapist at some point.